European Projects
Development and Implementation of Innovative Metho..
Development and Implementation of Innovative Methods of Teaching Math, Science and languages in the Multicultural European Classroom to Increase Student Literacy and Prevent Early School Leaving
Start date: Sep 1, 2015,
End date: Aug 31, 2017
Project Title: Development and Implementation of Innovative Methods of Teaching Maths, Science and languages in the Multicultural European Classroom to Increase Student Literacy and Prevent Early School Leaving.
The aim of the project is: Exploration of teaching tools and social innovations that will support low achievers, immigrants and multiculturalism in the European classroom and prevent early school leaving.
Objectives of the project:
• To investigate the ethnic composition, students learning success of partner schools in Portugal, Cyprus, Germany, Iceland, Croatia and Latvia and the problems/difficulties that lead immigrants, Roma and other low achievers to early school leaving
• To develop, implement and share innovative methods
• To encourage students to view language literacy as being useful to all citizens and thus enhance literacy and increase the number of students who acquire compulsory education successfully.
• To elaborate ICT learning and teaching tools : CD-ROMs with virtual excursions, GPRS maps, mobile phone applications for Maths, Science and language lessons
Through this project we hope to motivate students to finish school successfully, to enhance their motivation, tolerance and inter-cultural competences.
The teachers from six participating countries Portugal , Croatia, Iceland, Germany, Cyprus and Latvia are planning to participate in the project. The participating schools are represented by teachers of Maths and languages (Germany, Cyprus)
Science, History (Iceland,Croatia,Portugal), foreign and schooling languages (Latvia)
The reason why we decided to participate in this project is that the staff of the schools everyday deals with the issue of integration of children from immigrants' and Roma families into school society and their low achievements. Our project deals with the common problem : a lack of motivation , low achievements and as a result early school leaving. While designing this project we started with the question why it happens.
This project aims to develop, test and implement innovative approaches in teaching Maths, Science and foreign and schooling languages
Through the project we hope to motivate students by presenting the process of studying at school as being relevant to their everyday life experiences. This project will help to encourage the students to view as being useful to all citizens and thus enhance Maths, Science and language literacy
Using the innovative teaching strategies will help to increase the number of students who successfully finish school and continue education at tertiary level.
Short description of the results :
Expected outputs- An interactive CD and project brochure .This compendium will include:
-real examples of lessons, other activities plans, adaptable to different learning environments,
tailored to the needs of different target audiences (teachers,parents, decision makers, learners)
-key findings from five researches
-Video presentations
-Multicultural activities( history and culture of participating immigrant students through dances, music and food and language awareness of the spoken languages through quizzes and role plays)
-ICT tools- virtual excursions, learning applications for mobile phones and other
Important outcomes expected in this project include the availability of lesson plans and resources for other teachers and
increasing teachers professional competences
Through research and observation of different syllabus from different participating countries, one can get ideas and experience for designing better curricula for his country. This could be done through networking with educational specialists from universities in Latvia and other European countries
The pedagogical staff of participating schools intends to implement, improve the resources in their everyday practice, disseminate among the colleagues. We believe it is crucially important to work in that direction because it encourages improvement of personal,professional and social competences of all participants . Therefore, firstly, we are going to keep in touch with the project participants in future. Secondly, we are going to add the priority of the project to the school vision and change our teachers' syllabuses including new approaches, project resources and outputs aiming to bring multiculturalism in the classrooms and supporting low achievers and of course to implement them in everyday teaching practice .
Thirdly, a series of workshops and Forum for teachers and authorities of the city of Riga will be held on the basis of Riga Pardaugava school devoted to the outcomes of the project. For this purpose co-funding from some partner public society will be attracted.
Furthermore, eTwinning platform will be used to support the sustainability of the project : the information about the project, project portfolio.