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Developing the Pinus Sylvestris L resource 1.16 (DSP)
Start date: Dec 31, 2007, End date: Dec 30, 2010 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project will engage with Scots Pine supply chain stakeholders and decision makers to improve markets by encouraging new business models as a basis for product development and SME participation. New resource assessment and pricing methods will reward higher value timber and better match resources to end uses, improving competitiveness. This in turn, will encourage growers to improve the added value potential of the resource and ensure that market expansion is sustainable in the long term. Achievements: Final conference The final conference ‘Managing and utilising Scots pine in the Northern Periphery’ took place on the 24th and 25th of August. The theme for the first day was the management of Scots pine forests, the theme for the second day was the use of Scots pine timber. The format for both days was presentations in the morning followed by site visits in the afternoon. The event was attended by approximately 100 people from forestry and other related sectors – the full conference programme and presentations are available on our website. Review of Scots pine properties The technical review of Scots pine raw material and sawn-wood properties is complete. This aims to improve peoples’ understanding of the appropriate uses of Scots pine. The key findings of the review have been surmised and published as web pages - accessible via the project website Market review The project has published Markets for Scots Pine Roundwood, which gives an overview of roundwood markets in Scotland, Sweden, Finland and Norway. An electronic version of the report is available via the website – Innovation workshop In June 2009 the project ran an international innovation workshop to come up with new Scots pine product concepts. The event took place at Glenmore Lodge, in the Cairngorms National Park and was attended by design, engineering and forestry students from Scotland, Sweden and Finland. A presentation about the event is available on the website. Staff and students at North Karelia University produced a full scale version of the wall element that has been exhibited in Scotland and generated much interest. Glulam study tour In April 2010 architects and specialists in timber engineering took part in a 3 day study tour to Trondheim in Norway to learn about the use of engineered pine products in construction. There was a strong focus on the manufacture and use of laminated timber products including: cross lam in residential and commercial buildings, and stress laminated timber in bridges. Glue lamination production and trials We are working in partnership with the Centre for Timber Engineering (CTE) and Norbuild (a small wood manufacturing company based in the Highlands) to produce and test glulam beams made from Scots pine. The results of the study show that glulam, conforming to EU standards, can be produced from home grown Scots pine providing careful acoustic and visual grading is undertaken. Cladding The project commissioned Edinburgh Napier University to produce and test external timber cladding made from Scots pine. Historically Scots pine has been widely used as cladding throughout the UK, Scandinavia and Russia. However virtually all of the timber used in the UK was imported. Nowadays, Scots pine is rarely used as cladding in the UK. The purpose of the project was to produce Scots pine cladding, using a variety of treatment types, and assess its performance. Scots pine cladding boards were produced and different treatment types applied. An exposure trial at 2 sites in northern Scotland was carried out to assess performance – 72 samples were tested at each location. A full report on the study is available on the website. Post and beam building Neil Sutherland Architects have completed building a wildlife watching facility at Balblair Woods, Loch Fleet NNR, made from home grown Scots pine –on the project website you can watch a time-lapse film of the hide being built. The hide is open to the public and can be used by local schools as an outdoor classroom. Timber Sourcing Network Timber Sourcing Network (TSN) is a free, online tool designed to help specifiers source, and forest owners sell large dimension and high quality Scottish timber. The tool allows forest owners to post information about timber they have for sale and specifiers to put out requests for timber, which are then emailed to registered users. This initiative has been welcomed by the forestry related businesses in the Highlands with around 70 users. Forest resource assessment tool A new forest stand assessment tool (PREHAS) has been developed and is available to download via the project website. PREHAS is software that has been developed for forest owners and managers that gives them a breakdown of harvestable timber output with respect to volume and quality. Silviculture extension study tour In September 2009 forestry professionals from Scotland, Sweden and Norway took part in a 5 day study tour to Norway to learn more about the relation between forest management and timber quality. The trip included visits to local pinewoods, processors and manufacturers using Scots pine, a forest nursery and the Forest Extension Institute. This institute offers practical forestry training to woodland owners and managers. A brief presentation about the tour is available on the website and an article was published in the June edition of Scottish Forestry, the magazine of the Scottish Royal Forestry Society. Forest management guidance Management guidance on growing good quality Scots pine timber has been published, supported by case studies from across the partnership area. This guidance incorporates a decision support system to help forest owners to manage their forests.Products and services:Title: Loch Fleet bird hide A prototype Scots pine post and beam construction. The Loch Fleet bird hide is a wildlife watching facility at Loch Fleet Nature Reserve in Sutherland which showcases the use of Scots pine timber in post and beam construction.More information see: Glulam product development A pilot-scale production of glulam in Scotland to continue the work done during the project on demonstrating the feasibility of producing glulam according to EU standards from Scottish timber and bring other laminated timber products such as cross-lam to market. A footbridge at Beinn Eighe Nature Reserve was built during the project to showcase the use of stress laminated Scots pine timber in bridge construction. The pilot production is funded by the Forestry Commission through its Wood Products Innovation Gateway.More information see: Scots pine pre-painted cladding Prototype Scots pine cladding boards, tested by using a variety of treatment types and by assessing their performance, produced and installed on a wood chip boiler house for demonstration purposes. Pre-painted cladding is now being produced on a commercial basis in the Scottish Highlands.More information see: Prehas software Software providing pre-harvest information from the stand to be harvested and thereby assisting in wood procurement planning, timber pricing, bucking control and the comparison of timber buying bids. The software predicts harvestable timber broken down into log diameter-length class distribution and their values.More information see:, Scots pine management Decision Support System An online decision support tool to facilitate the establishment and management of Scots pine forests in the Northern Periphery, with a focus on the impact of site factors and management alternatives on the volume and quality characteristics of timber produced for forest managers and owners and students of forestry and related subjects.More information see:,
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  • 2007 - 2013 Northern Periphery
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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