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Developing Sense of Place: Telemark Experience
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Telemark Experience: Developing Sense of PlaceContextFor over a decade, research has consistently identified that the priority skills shortages that need to be addressed to support the tourism sector’s growth are chef skills, customer service skills and managerial skills. These skills shortages are likely to intensify in the future. In parallel with these known skills-shortages, food & drink has grown to become a core part of the tourism experience. Problems faced by the hospitality industry include the lack of suitable skilled staff to recruit, and for SMEs, having the time and opportunity to develop their own skills. Many participants come from rurally based organisations where is is difficult to facilitate long periods of time outside of the workplace, but they can participate and benefit from a focused 7 day intensive study-tour programme.ObjectivesThe project objective will continue the process of learning and skills development in the areas of food tourism and outdoor activity to create Sense of Place. It aims:- to exchange expertise and best practice in training development and delivery in relation to food tourism and provision of outdoor activities- to explore the transferability of expertise and examples of best practice and how they can be used in vocational training in UK tourism- to give trainers the chance to look beyond their own working environments and develop a European approach to training- to exchange expertise and best practice in mechanisms used to motivate the tourism industry to participate in training and education- to improve the recognition of skills within the European tourism industry- to encourage the tourism industry and higher education sectors to work together to develop current, relevant and fit for purpose qualifications- to build the foundation for new partnerships and facilitate future exchange/work placement activitiesParticipantsParticipants will be recruited from private and public organisations and companies responsible for the training and development of staff within the tourism industry. These will be staff from tourism organisations with internal vocational training programmes, universities, colleges and independent training providers (SMEs). All 20 participants will have a direct training and development role and will be qualified with an appropriate training qualification or have a proven track record in training. ActivitiesThe programme balances visits and opportunities to meet exemplar businesses and organisations. It includes a seminar involving 6 speakers selected for their expertise in one of the topic themes , 3 from Norway invited by the host partner and 3 from within the UK participant group. The seminar will be open to local interested people to attend and to join the UK group to facilitate networking. (A draft outline programme is attached to this application for information.) A key output will be preparation of 3 case studies designed to engage and challenge the participants, become a valuable reference source for them back in their workplace, provide the host organsiation with different perspectives and to be a source of relevant and up to date teaching materials for academic institutions and professional organisations like the Tourism Management Institute, Tourism Society and European Union of Tourism Officers (EUTO). A "Mystery Shopping" exercise will provide valuable qualitative research for the host partner, and benefit study-tour participants with the ability to reassess their own place of work through fresh eyes. MethodologyAll pre-visit preparation, travel, health and safety and financial arrangements will be delivered by Tourism Angles. Host partner University College will provide local assistance with advice relating to accommodation, transportation, speakers and eating arrangements. These partners have many years of working together on successful project delivery. Results / ImpactParticipants gain a study opportunity of how Norway's Telemark region has developed its Sense of Place by using a strong food and outdoor activity based tourism visitor offer, capitalising on its locality, local produce, and designations such as UNESCO World Heritage Site and National Park. Participating organisations will exchange best practice and to share examples. Target Groups benefit from the acquired shared knowledge that leads to enhanced customer experiences and SMEs will have the opportunity for short term targeted learning and to gain confidence to form clusters and increased networks. OutcomesOverall we believe this project will contribute to strengthening the competitiveness of the European tourism industry.
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1 Partners Participants