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Developing sector-specific multiformat foreign language teaching materials for the vocations

Language and computer experts should work closely together to meet the needs of international workforce for sector-specific foreign language training (FLT) materials in the framework of the expansion of the EU labour market. Based on an earlier LdV-project this multiplier project wants to transfer and adapt methodologies and tools to other sectors and other languages. It also aims to incorporate the development of intercultural competences for a number of vocations. The project will develop a set of foreign language teaching materials in several formats: traditional paper-based, multimedia training and web-based packages. By using the know-how and expertise gained under the previous project, the partnership will widen the range of sector-specific FLT materials and will transfer previously developed modules into a new learning environment: the web. The project is addressing to the following target groups: students and professionals in need of sector-specific FLT materials, and individuals planning transnational mobility. The new target sectors addressed by this project are Fashion Design and Clothing Industry, Industrial Design, Health Care Services and Tourist Industry. Concrete results of this multiplier project are FLT materials in English, Dutch and Spanish for intermediate to upper level learners out of the already mentioned sectors in traditional formats (books), CD-Rom and online modules; the transfer of 4 previously developed modules to online; a teacher resources website with methodological guidelines, glossaries and dictionaries. The valorisation of the projects outcome will mainly be developed through regional, national and European networking directed to training institutions, language associations, networks of trainers, universities, and political bodies.
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8 Partners Participants