Search for European Projects

Start date: Oct 1, 2011,

Distribution constitutes a key future employment area in Europe. New skills for existing and future jobs are needed to cope with current challenges, especially in the automotive sector. In addition, there is a lack of curricula and teaching materials with a focus on distribution, sales and dealer management. Hence, this project deals with creating and testing crucial new teaching/training materials and curricula for automotive dealers (mostly SMEs) and for HEI sales students. The intended impact is to contribute significantly to raising the quality of HEI teaching and training in the field of sales & distribution in order to equip graduates and dealers with the right abilities for the market challenges. The consortium consists of four universities from Austria, Poland, Czech Republic and Italy, as well as of two companies from the automotive and training sector. Throughout the project, cooperation and knowledge exchange between enterprises (improving dealer training) and HEIs (improving teaching) will be initiated and intensified.The main project milestones are:- an analysis of current skill deficiencies and skills needed in the future,- the identification of necessary training areas,- the development of a self-assessment tool for enabling dealers to benchmark their own competence and need for training, - the composition of international multimedia case studies, used as vital parts of later developed modules,- The testing of case studies and other teaching materials- The development and evaluation of curricula for a dealer training programme and a student dealer management major - The production of a manual for adapting current curricula with respect to a more future oriented dealer management focusAll results will be disseminated via a web platform and a dissemination conference. Moreover, the involvement of regional, national and international automotive associations and partner university networks will contribute to the future exploitation of results on a Europe-wide basis.
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  •   271 866,00
  • Education and training\Life long learning (2007-2013)\ERASMUS\Cooperation between Universities and Enterprises
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform
Project Website

5 Partners Participants