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Developing key skills for the European labour market
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our school, BBS am Museumsdorf in Cloppenburg focuses on the goal to promote international vocational qualifications of our learners. This goal is realised in close cooperation with our partners in the dual system of training. The need of well trained skilled employees with these competences is especially high in the rural district of Cloppenburg with its high number of medium sized companies operating worldwide. That`s why our institution as a regional centre of competence is aware of its responsibility in terms of offering the opportunity ot gain international experiences and to promote the international competences for its learners and teachers.Our school therefore offers different additional qualifications requiring a work placement abroad for at least three weeks. These additional qualifications are called "Ausbildung.Plus" and "Kaufmann /-frau für internationale Geschäftstätigkeiten" which will be promoted in this project likewise. All in all 15 trainees wanting to become an industrial business management assistant or assistant in office management will take part in this projectOur general goals focus on the development of different skills and competences of our students which will be explained in detail in the following:The students involved will benefit from the work placements abroad in various ways. On the one hand they will experience a broadening of their job related professional competences. The knowledge the learners gained during their traineeship can be enlarged abroad. A comparison between these professional competences with the knowledge they gained in their company in Germany is one important goal of our activities.A second important goal is the advancement of the methodological competences of our learners. The trainees will have to deal with various organisational matters abroad. They will have to go shopping or organise their free time activities, for example. They`ll also take part in organising the trip abroad and the accommodation in order to promote these organisational competences. The development of our learners social competences is a further important goal. The focus of our activities lies especially on the promotion of the intercultural competences of our learners. In a new environment, our learners have to establish and develop social contacts to co-workers and other people abroad by making use of a foreign language. This is true for the professional and private context of the project. The superior goal of the international vocational competences is defined as the willingness and ability of the individual to act adequately in different vocational situations by relating to social, methodological and professional competences. This requires the acquisition of intercultural competences which are laid down in the guiding principles of our school.Therefore, our students must also acquire linguistic competences of the different languages involved. The importance of English as a lingua franca is important to mention. The theoretical knowledge gained in vocational courses in Germany can be applied directly in the job situation abroad.The use of different information technologies promotes the knowledge in this sector likewise. Besides their commercial duties, the learners will carry out monitoring and self-evaluation tasks. In particular, the goal of our project is to compare behaviour patterns in companies with those patterns which can be found in the training companies in Germany. Therefore we will create a questionnaire with the help of the learners involved. This questionnaire will contain questions concerning the relations between superiors and workers, general behaviour patterns or the dealing with customers or suppliers. All matters of agreement will be written down in a contract.The knowledge acquired and the tasks and duties fulfilled will be confirmed in the document "Europass Mobility" which the learners will get after their internship. This is how we integrate the ECVET elements into this project. As companies in Germany and abroad will create common learning agreements, we will promote the quality of meaningful learning agreements across borders. This enhances the quality of training in small and medium-sized businesses in Germany and abroad. It also strengthens their relations.The posting companies in Germany will also benefit from the project as well as BBS am Museumsdorf, because the results of the questionnaires mentioned above will be presented in our school and in the companies. This is how own processes can be compared with those from the companies abroad.These results will be published on our website ( and via the local press. Additionally we will organise various presentations in our vocational school and in the training companies involved.At the same time, the structures of our school in terms its wide range of additional qualifications will be strengthened and promoted through this project not only in the local district of Cloppenburg.

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