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Developing Innovative eContent Localisation Training Opportunities for Trainers and Teachers in Professional Translation

The goal of eCoLo-Train was to develop and test innovative training opportunities for trainers and teachers in the field of professional translation. It takes into account their specific and methodological needs in order to achieve a broad and sustained improvement of trainers’ and teachers’ ICT skills in general and eContent localisation skills in particular. eContent localisation is the translation and cultural adaptation for local markets of digital information that is published on any internet platform. The project is related to the Leonardo-funded eCoLoRe project (Project No. UK/02/B/F/LA-129_562), which provides raw materials for courses that exercise trainees on state-of-the-art software for eContent localisation. Like eCoLoRe, eCoLo-Train aims at delivering a strong contribution to the remedy of the ‘severe skills shortage’ identified in the EC-sponsored SPICE-PREP II report on eContent localisation*. eCoLoRe has done much to remove one sizeable obstacle to the introduction of eContent localisation methods and tools into general and specialised translation classes – the lack of resources in the form of both sample texts and scenarios for their pedagogic exploitation in realistic, task-oriented scenarios. However, the serious lack of ICT skills of trainers and teachers involved in professional translator training remains a major bottleneck. This is the issue that eCoLo-Train addresses. eCoLo-Train provides a whole set of original materials ranging from a dedicated curriculum for continuous vocational training in eContent localisation via methodological and didactic guidelines to concrete course materials. The availability of suitable raw materials, as provided by eCoLoRe, is just a prerequisite for pursuing these and other goals on the road towards a harmonized European education in eContent localisation.The eCoLo-Train consortium consists largely of bodies also participating in eCoLoRe, either as partners or as subcontractors; thus this excellent collaboration between leading representatives of the social partners engaged in the dialogue about translator training continued. The consortium consists of two professional associations representing over 6000 freelance and corporate translators, two suppliers of ICT tools for eContent localisation, two universities with acknowledged expertise in designing materials for students with little or no prior exposure to ICTs, and three universities in the new EC Member States.eCoLo-Train strategically targets trainers in all translation-related sectors, i.e., academe, professional associations and industry, and in as many of the 25 Member States of the EC as possible, as well as in the Candidate Countries. eCoLo-Train also addresses those trainers and teachers working in community language translation, a field gaining more and more relevance in a globalising world. The principal outputs of the project are a set of methodologies, guidelines and course materials tested in multiple teaching scenarios ranging from academic courses to vocational training provided by professional organisations. eCoLo-Train focusses on didactic models assisting teachers and trainers in integrating localisation technology into traditional translation classes as well as on methods of adjusting raw materials developed within eCoLoRe to individual educational needs in different teaching scenarios. The project thus targets a much broader range of trainers and teachers than eCoLoRe. All software applications related to eContent localisation were provided by the commercial partners free of charge to all end users involved in the project, so removing all financial obstacles to their take-up. An important vehicle for dissemination is the eCoLo-Train website. It provides any organisation or individual person interested in developing eContent localisation training courses for teachers and trainers in professional translation with free-of-charge access to the eCoLo-Train guidelines and methodologi ...

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