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Developing Employability Skills Through INnovative education using MOOCs for Youth
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our consortium consists of 4 HEIs and 4 Youth Organisations in 4 EU countries: STAFFORDSHIRE UNIVERSITY, Bitjam Limited (UK) UNIVERSIDAD DE LA LAGUNA, EVM Project Management Experts S.L. (Tenerife) TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF CRETE, Sentiment Analysis Market Research(Crete) DOBA Fakulteta za uporabne poslovne in druzbene studije Maribor, KADIS, kadrovsko izobrazevalni inzeniring d.o.o., Ljubljana (Slovenia) It is well known that EU member states are in a time of economic challenge. There is an acknowledged need for more innovation and entrepreneurship among our businesses, to foster economic growth and provide more jobs for our unemployed (or under-employed) labour market, but while our youth and adult job seekers leave schools and Universities with educational qualifications, employers complain that there is a mismatch in the skills these job seekers offer, and the skills the employers require. This project seeks to address this skills mis-match and improve the employment prospects of youth and adult work seekers, and employees who wish to improve their skills for better employment, through the use of MOOCs (Massive Open On-line courses) that are directly related to the needs of the local LABOUR MARKET, and are recognised by local employers. The project will IMPLEMENT and TEST a method to support these learners in such a way that the drop out is reduced, and successful completion has a positive impact on employment skills. The rationale of this project is to RESEARCH skills needs, then DEVELOP targeted MOOC tools, then IMPLEMENT, TEST AND REFINE a method for HEIs to PROMOTE and SUPPORT the use of MOOCs to address local labour market SKILLS SHORTAGES, and in so doing to support regional ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT while improving the EMPLOYABILITY of local youth and adult learners. It will do this through the following objectives: 1. Research into the availability and access of MOOCs by EU region and by curriculum sector, including factors such as language, cost, level, accreditation and content, including transversal skills 2. Research into local labour market skills needs and the skills offered by work-seekers, using partner organisations with direct access to employers, work seekers and labour market intelligence 3. Match MOOC offerings to labour market needs and produce 'pathways' using MOOC learnings 4. Produce and implement training for Stakeholders (Academics, learning support staff, careers staff, recruitment staff, employers and HR professionals on the value of MOOC learning, (including their use as entry to other more formal education programmes using a 'recognition of prior learning' process) 5. Develop models for HEI initiatives to host a 'MOOC Cafe/Study Club' (MSC), including hardware, software, staffing etc. 6. Promote the MSC through partners, extensive networks and contacts such as youth organisations, HR departments, Local Chamber of Commerce etc. 7. Implement a pilot run of 4 'MOOC Cafes' followed by test, review and evaluation of results 8. Review and re-design the models according to results, and 9. Implement Phase 2 - repeat of promotion and implementation of improved 'MOOC Cafe' 10. Critically analyse findings from the project, and disseminate model and key lessons to stakeholders for exploitation and legacy.

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