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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

TorreVicens high school has applied for Erasmus+ project to improve the linguistic, communicative and learning skills in foreign languages to their students. According to Erasmus+ project, our school has developed a multilingual plan, included in School Educational Plan, which uses CLIL methodology to improve the linguistic and communicative level of English in our students and teaching team. CLIL methodology has helped to integrate content and foreign language and incited organizational and methodological changes. Moreover, our school has been able to create major impact to our neighbourhood, city and Europe and help to promote European identity. For this reason, our school has created a team of 3 teachers (who have a high level of English and training in CLIL methodology) to develop our education project during the year 2015-16, included in our strategic plan. The Language project wants to give the opportunity to our students to study non-linguistic subjects in English language in order to improve language, personal, social, technological and science skills. English Teachers have been supporting teachers’ participation in the programme and the head department have participated in the mobilities. Developing Erasmus+ project, our school aims to improve the CLIL training and language skills of their teachers. For this reason, the promoter group of teachers who develop the multilingualism plan has done training abroad in CLIL methodology and educational innovation. Erasmus+ has given a grant to do the following courses in United Kingdom to our team: - C.L.I.L. Content and language integrated learning methodology and language for teachers who teach science or maths or technical subjects bilingualy in English at secondary level in International Study Programmes - Practical Ideas for the secundary CLIL in International Projects Centre - Creative methodology for teachers in International Projects Centre Developing Erasmus+ project, our school aims to improve the CLIL training and language skills of their teachers. For this reason, the promoter group of teachers who develop the multilingualism plan has done training abroad in CLIL methodology and educational innovation. This training and other actions have allowed to teach with this methodology the rest of the staff, implement organizational and educational changes in our school including in the Education Plan School and subjects programming, improve language and communication skills of students and teachers in English. Furthermore, Erasmus project has encouraged the high school to enhance its educational innovation and internationalization strategy by creating mechanisms of cultural, linguistic and mutual understanding of different realities within a common context. The project started experimentally in a group of first of ESO in the fields of technology, science and music with great interest and involvement of students in the 2014-15 course. During 2015-16 has been extended to second of ESO and has been introduced to the field of visual and plastic education. In the future courses, the project will also be expanded to other subjects such as ITC, social science and physical education, with continuity throughout other educational courses to obtain the results in foreign language required by the European Union. The academical results obtained by applying multilingualism project during those courses in different subjects shows that students’ project have improved their academical results regarding courses not involved in, as it reflects in the quality indicators language project "all you need is CLIL". Mainly, students’ significantly increase their English Language learning. The project has been supplemented with the participation in multilateral projects by Etwinning platform and in the future is expected to exchange programs Erasmus +. Multilingualism plan dissemination has been made through different ways indoors and outdoors, such as teacher meetings, department meetings, teacher training, media, website, surveys, publications and keep in touch with teachers around Europe to develop international projects.
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