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Developing a best practice toolkit for cooperation between institutions for disabled people and vocational schools.

A sustainable cooperation between vocational schools and workshops for people with disabilities is the main goal of PRO-VET4D. Based on the VET4D "handbook of construction" funded from the Life Long Learning Programme in 2010-2012 a best practice toolkit will be developed in the next step. This toolkit includes information, best practice examples and documents that shows how cooperation between vocational schools and institutions for people with disabilities can be managed successfully. The PRO-VET4D toolkit will be used in regional and national training programs in order to disseminate the basic idea of a sustainable system of cooperation.The VET4D project group started in August 2010 with the development of a digital handbook. In this handbook you can find a tested collection of different examples how technical devices could help disabled people managing their working life. This manual can give advice how working places for disabled people can be arranged or technical devices and appliances have to look like. Seventeen local projects with broad variety have already been carried out from students of the participating partners. With all the experience of the first partnership project the VET4D project group realised that it´s not only to improve the production and installation processes for the disabled people. Furthermore media based devices such as applications for smartphones and training panels with which disabled people can improve their motorical skills are also needed to make these persons fit for job market. For PRO-VET4D all the partners develop further projects for the "handbook of construction" so that the handbook will be upgraded with more "best practice" examples in the end. This forms the basis for the development of the best practice toolkit.All project results, the proVET4D toolkit and further information about VET4D you can find on the VET4D website:
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5 Partners Participants