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Develop risk scenarios based on risk assessments and identify gaps for all main hazards of the Baltic Sea region (14.3.)
Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Aug 30, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The 14.3 project aims to develop scenarios and identify gaps for all main hazards of the Baltic Sea Region, including winter storms and floods. Such an objective was chosen in order to anticipate potential disasters, and thus enabling a rapid and effective EU response through the Community Civil Protection Mechanism. In addition, and drawing on existing possibilities for funding in the Civil Protection Financial Instrument, it aims to strengthen training activities and exercises in cooperation with the countries of the Baltic Sea Region.The project has four main task areas which are:• Macro-Regional Risk Scenario/Hazard and Gap Analysis• Floods Prevention in Macro-Regional Context• Forest Fire Prevention in Macro-Regional Context• Nuclear Safety Risk Scenarios and Gaps in Macro-Regional Context Achievements: A set of nine books – Fourteen Point Three Notebooks have been developed, edited together and published. More information is available under

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  • 75%   495 000,00
  • Other (EUSBSR projects related)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website