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Deutsch-polnische Kooperation in der beruflichen Bildung
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project proposal is based on the work of the so-called "Arbeitsgruppe 2 zu deutsch-polnischen Kooperation in der beruflichen Bildung", which is a committee supporting the German-Polish cooperation in vocational training. In accordance with the Agenda 2020 this committee aims at increasing the quality and quantity of mobilities in the field of vocational education between Germany and Poland. This group is composed of representatives of the federal states Bremen, Northrhine Westphalia and Saxony who are encouraging contacts between German and Polish vocational schools and supporting these schools with planning, organizing, realizing and evaluating mobilities in vocational training. To realize these plans the committee has drafted a project proposal within several meetings. The project partners committed themselves to select and prepare a certain number of students for an internship abroad. The vocational fields included are electrical engineering, forwarding/logistics, health and social care, education, automotive engineering as well as nutrition and hospitality. In the course of the participating schools' meetings curricula for the internships abroad were drafted in order to fix certain techniques and general professional aspects which should be studied during the 2- to 4 - week internships abroad.In order to further develop and optimize these curricula, teachers from the participating German schools will spend short periods (3 to 8 days) at their Polish partner schools.In the long run, based on the curricula mentioned above, the introduction of ECVET is intended. Additionally the implementation of these curricula for internships abroad within the German schools's is planned. All these measures are supposed to lead to the internationalization of vocational training in the participating German and Polish schools.

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