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Deutsch-norwegischer Austausch im Gartenbau
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Since 2008 exists a contact between our vocational school for horticulture at the DLR in Oppenheim and Øksnevad Vidaregåande Skole in Kleppe, Norway. It begun in the context of the German-Norwegian exchange program 'Gjoer det!', which was stopped in 2013 on the German side, but is still pursued in Norway. As a result of the transition into the Leonardo da Vinci program, the previous successful cooperation could be continued and now goes on with the Erasmus + program. Between the two partner institutions has taken place a regular student exchange. 5 to 7 young Norwegians came to Rheinhessen in springtime of each year, 5 to 7 German participants travelled in return in autumn to Norway. Target groups are apprentice gardeners with the disciplines ornamental plant culture, culture of perennials, cemetery gardening, fruit growing, tree nursery and landscape gardening. The trainees are going through the next to last or last year of their professional formation so that they can rely on a solid basis of previously acquired knowledge and skills. Since the apprenticing companies are specialized in certain areas of work or horticulture, it is very important for the young people to make additional practical experiences to achieve a high degree of flexibility. Moreover, the comparison between the Norwegian and the German system of vocational training lets the participants appreciate the advantages of their own dual professional training. The learning outcomes can be summarized as follows: broadening and deepening of knowledge and skills in horticultural production and services, appreciation of people of another culture and of an unique natural environment, encrease in their professional and personal mobility and language skills and strengthening their ability to work in a team. The individual learning results are described and certified in the 'Europass Mobilty' to testify the flexibility and commitment of the participants within their professional biography. As an side project of the exchange, winegrowing at the Norwegian School and growing of Aronia-berries in Oppenheim was established. Unfortunately, the respective climate and soil conditions have proved to be inadequate. More than 75 % of the Norwegian vineyard has died from severe frosts in winter 2014/15 and 2015/16. The Aronia plants In Oppenheim, on the other hand, have not grown very much due to strong chlorosis. Therefore only a small amount of berries was harvested. The chloroses are caused by a lime-induced iron deficiency and low rainfall in summer. Fertilization with an iron fertilizer brought no long-term success. Both trials are expected to be discontinued next year at least in their current form.
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