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Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: May 1, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This is an exchange between young people from Catalonia and France in order to address the difficulties facing the reality of migration in Europe and problematic situations experienced between people of different backgrounds, from the recognition and appreciation of diversity, to get deal positive phenomenon of immigration and cultural differences. The project aims to empower young people as active citizens, promoters of the values of coexistence and social inclusion, and empower them to be the voice of the problem and help raise awareness regarding the reality of migration. In the project works 34 participants, including 30 young people from 13 to 19 years. They are from populations that may occur risks of social exclusion and far social realities. Young people are linked to the leisure center Fontsanta-Fatjó (Federació Catalana de l'Esplai-Spain) and groups of Youth Service from Sant Paul Jarrat and La Leze Valley (Federation Leo Lagrange-France). For young people, this type of project represents a central experience in their life. Most of the young participants have a bit opportunities to participate in international learning experiences. This project allows them to stake their personal and social skills with the aim of proposing to change their reality, in their communities and landmarks. The project is a continuity of the previous interchange. The young people planned their annual project with the aim of ensuring their participation, involvement and be able to be the protagonists in the different phases of the project. Also the activities of each group and the talks between the heads, the exchange is beginning in a previous preparatory meeting. One young and one responsible for each organization will meeting in order to realize objectives and proposals during the main activity, and to know the social reality of the host entity, young people and their families, to ensure optimal adaptation and integration. This first meeting will be during the month of May. The main proposal will be in the month of July: 14 days of coexistence in the Catalan Pyrenees and Cornellà de Llobregat, where in addition to young people and their leaders, take contact with host families and other children, young and families entity leisure. The proposed work aims different activities with different methodology: workshops, debates; Guided tours and hiking outdoors; management workshops ICT tools; artistic performance; relationship and cultural exchange. We will apply active learning strategies, through mutual knowledge of participants, experimentation and cooperation, based in youth, and their experience. The project aims to generate impact on all actors involved: EDUCATIONAL TEAM, consolidating the ability to work with colleagues from other countries in youth European projects , strengthening work experiences ERASMUS + and improve the socio-educational intervention with vulnerable youth in EU. PARTNER ORGANIZATIONS, Securing the partnership and common growth, and strengthen the capacities of labour among organizations in key European Union and improve our capabilities and incorporate new methods in other European youth projects. In YOUNG PEOPLE, improving and developing new basic skills (self-management, youth leadership, social skills, organizational and communication skills, technological culture, entrepreneurship ...) and improving their capacities to be active part of society, through practices that increase their autonomous abilities to learn, reflect, discuss, defend, report and communicate at different levels (between equals, at local, regional and European level, and with a global perspective). FAMILIES and LOCAL PEOPLE, overcoming social misgivings about the involvement of children in group proposals, improving the vision they have for their own children in relation to their ability to entrepreneurship and self-management, strengthening the cooperative relationship between the families and leisure institutions, encouraging them to educate in gender equality, and equal opportunities for access to activities of this kind.
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1 Partners Participants