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Designing and Developing Flexible Vocational Training for a Mobile Profession
Start date: Oct 1, 2012,

The ‘TAXISTARS’ project will develop innovative ICT based training material in the fields of work and road safety, emergency case assessment, criminal assault and social interaction skills, suited to fit the professional and societal profile of the taxi drivers across Europe. Due to the nature of their profession, taxi drivers are working under special conditions and are involved in multifarious interaction scenarios often entailing risks and challenges linked to the aforementioned issues, calling for innovative, actor-oriented educational material.Although the issue of vocational training for professional drivers has been addressed , the sub-sector of the taxi drivers remains scantily approached. The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) has pointed out the need for the development of in-depth, harmonized and ‘tailor-made’ training curricula. Moreover – and in a much broader context - the European Commission has repeatedly set ambitious targets of drastic reduction of road transport incidents and fatalities, underlining the fact, that this issue is a shared responsibility requiring the joint efforts of all parties involved. The ‘TAXISTARS’ consortium will develop an innovative, state-of-the-art, ICT-based learning applications toolbox , exploiting an in-depth interactive needs analysis to address work and road safety, criminal assault and emergency case issues, social interaction skills and environmental issues. Taxi-drivers will thus be helped to touch bases with the nature of their job and the origins of possible risks. By this, the pursuit of the ‘TAXISTARS’ project is to infuse a 'Know what to do' attitude in contrast to a 'Do something' one.Considering the taxi sector as a substantial part of a metropolitan mobility chart in tandem with the EU plans to reform and open up the profession, elaborate dissemination activities will address the increasing need for healthy, motivated and highly skilled transport professionals in the field.

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  •   399 450,00
  • Education and training\Life long learning (2007-2013)\LEONARDO DA VINCI\Multilateral projects on Innovation
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform

8 Partners Participants