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Descubre Europa desde el IES Villaverde
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project "Discover Europe from IES Villaverde" is a two years mobility project whose target group are sixteen students from Intermediate Vocational Training studies who are taking different courses in Health, Welfare and Computer Sector. This project is also focused on improving our teacher`s training, specially those who work in the vocational fields mentioned above. We will be able to carry on five mobility actions for teachers involved in Health and Welfare areas. These activities will include job-shadowing practises and the exchange of new teaching methods and strategies with our partners. The main objectives of the project are: - To reinforce the european dimension of our educational activities. - To strengthen the european citizenship and social cohesion. - To improve job opportunities for our students. - To Improve our students`professional and social skills. - To Improve our teachers`training. - To improve participants`language skills. Thanks to these activities our students will improve not only their job opportunities, but also their language and personal skills. This project is also going to encourage the participants to carry on higher studies and therefore, they will enrich their careers and their professional backgrounds by doing part of the jobtraining period in a foreing company. This fact also will benefit our spanish companies which have the possibility to receive these students once they finish their training period abroad. Once these students come back, companies will have students highly motivated and with a very good professional and personal background. On the other side, our students`moblities will improve our companies percpetion regarding the jobtraining module organitation. Definetively, this project will improve our school reputation especially to our stakeholders. Finally, our teachers will also get a huge benefit of the actions planned in the project. They will be able to enrich their work and teaching methods, and in the meanwhile, the links with our partners and companies will be reinforced thanks to the project. The whole project will help to improve the quality of our educational activities in the areas where our teachers work.
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