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Desarrollo del proceso de Internacionalización del IES La Zafra
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This Project is a develpmento of process of internationalisation of the school.Through teaching trainings, direct teaching and job shadowing we expect to improve the L2 language and methodological skills of the teachers as we explain in our European Development Plan. The main areas of these trainings are: CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning), European awareness and the improvement of the language skills.In order to spread those competences throughout the whole school, one teacher of each of the departments involved in the “plurilingual project of the school” will take part in one of the trainings.Once finished the mobility, as it has been happening in the last school year, the teachers that took part in the trainings will have meetings with their departments collages so the whole school benefits from their competences acquired. The main outcome would be the development of an integrated curriculum for languages and content.In a close future we expect to take part in other Erasmus KA2 projects that will also allow the students to work with students from other countries and “open their mind”. The starting point of those projects will be the competences developed in the trainings; moreover we expect to increase the number of links and partners for future student and teacher nobilities, expanding the participation in this project to the rest of the school teaching staff.

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