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Des entreprises européennes accueillent les futurs professionnels des MFR de Bourgogne
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Erasmus + Mobility of the Pupils Project is a team work of the MFR de Bourgogne. It is initiated by the F R Des MFR de Bourgogne. Its objective is to improve the contents of our trainings in BAC PRO in our schools as well as developing professional and social skills of our students. In 2014, 7 MFR are committed to this programme. It means Board of Directors, school team and Erasmus coordinators. 195 young are active participants to this programme in 7 European countries: Germany, Bulgaria, Spain, Greece, Italy, Ireland and the United Kingdom. These young work 2 weeks at school and 2 weeks in a company per month as part of the preparation of their degree: Baccalauréat Professionnel (the equivalent of A levels with 3 years of studies + professional experience) The main purposes of this project are to favour young European professional experience, to develop strong links between young Europeans, to get new skills and to strengthen foreign language skills in a professional or every day life context. Our teenagers, in our schools, are not used to travel, for cultural reasons first: they are strongly anchored to their “terroir” but also for financial reasons as one third of them receive grants from the State to finance its studies. We are totally convinced this work placement can be a real start towards greater how to get a job skills and autonomy. This way, they will have the opportunity to keep their job, to get promoted and enjoy more responsibilities. To set up this project, we work with European companies and needed intermediaries, who, with us, take part to it thoroughly. They agreed to take our pupils for 3 weeks in their company, that is to say 15 days or they helped us to find companies which will do so. They established a 3 week programme so that we can be sure our young will learn, understand and explain, when they come back, how their companies work. These 3 weeks will enable youngsters to know cultural facts of their host country, meet people and why not make friends or professional networking? This programme is also realised to make students aware of their labour market: no longer a national one but a European one. We must bear in mind that these dear young are the “Europe-makers” in the future; so a European human adventure is quite essential. In theory, it works. But if we want to turn this project and this first foreign experience for our pupils into a success, we have to make sure we offer a quality package. We settle an individual follow-up as the young start their first year of BAC PRO. Erasmus coordinators, in each MFR, has found a company-partner to work with, through mails, letters and call phones. They have met the tutor in the host country to check feasibility: skills to develop, technical contents and material aspects. Each participant follows a special preparation about the professional, cultural and language skills to master before leaving. They will have crucial mobility tools: the European trainee, his/her parents, the MFR and the European company will sign an agreement in which expected objectives and skills to get will be determined. People from the crew of MFR will come with our pupils to make sure that everything is OK during their stay, to be ready to react if there is a difficulty in the company. Sometimes, these people will assess our young from a professional point of view while they are carrying out their work placement. The Europass will permit to confirm this stay. Each participant will have to write a training report in order to be assessed on what he/she gained from his/her mobility. Each one will also fill a participant report using his/her critical mind so as to improve this programme. Finally, certificates of internship will be a way to make sure that expected professional skills are really mastered. Our young will present their European 3 week internship to the other people in the MFR: students, team, parents, tutors, mayors, people elected in diverse political institutions at a local, regional or national level, journalists. All this communication will be available on internet MFR websites.
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31 Partners Participants