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DEPURE - Développement d’un système durable pour la prise de DÉcisions PUbliques au niveau RÉgional dans l'économie de la connaissance (DEPURE)
Start date: Jun 30, 2005, End date: Jun 29, 2008 PROJECT  FINISHED 

A society’s success depends to a large extent on a good strategic understanding of different public policies, which have to be sustained and firmly based on information and knowledge. In the current economic context, the public administrations and bodies involved in regional development require mechanisms to help them manage information and to provide arguments to ensure that political decisions are taken correctly. This enables regions to achieve sustainable development, to structure regional cohesion and to improve quality of life for their citizens. Overall objective / Objectif général DEPURE aims to draw up a sustainable system for the analysis, evaluation and testing of regional public decisions in the knowledge society. The specific objectives focus on providing the regional authorities with tools to support the planning process and regional public decision-making, improving the efficiency of regional development policies and providing innovative tools for collecting information in a coordinated fashion. Expected results / Résultats attendus DEPURE should contribute to sustainable regional development and should add value to regional policy through: • More efficient regional management and integration of regions in the knowledge society. • Regional clusters and virtual, inter-regional clusters to provide coordination among the different public administrations. • The DEPURE system should allow analysis, visualisation of policies, strategies, plans and actions and the coordinated comparison of information on regions. • The creation of bases to ensure that collaboration is present among regions in other initiatives and to strengthen interregional and regional cooperation.

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  • 56.7%   1 475 000,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Interreg IIIC South
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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2 Partners Participants