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Start date: Aug 15, 2014, End date: Aug 14, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project is for 'Captain Ahmet FATOGLU', 'Nedime Serap Ulusoy', 'Hasan Kemal Yard?mc?', 'Fatsa Atatürk' Maritime Anatolian Vocational High Schools teachers who are teaching in the field of maritime and administrators working in these schools in a deputy technical manager status. 33 people will participate in the Project in total. Among the participants there is no one with special needs. The main justification of the project; many vocational teachers working in the field of maritime are from side branches that meet this field outside of maritime field. This situation causes vocational school teachers working in maritime schools to lack of basic professional knowledge and skills in related field. In the subject areas of the project, there is no educational opportunity in national in-service training programs As a result, how our teachers who are lack of the most important issues of the profession can contribute students is becoming open to discussion. Maritime field is an international sector in terms of both training and supervision as well as work space. In accordance with SOLAS (Safety Of Life At Sea) agreement signed by all of the countries involved in the maritime sector, all educational institutions are inspected in detail by IMO (International Maritime Organization-International Maritime Organization) Problematic situation that we are facing in our school does not fit the importance and seriousness of vocational training, the national and international criterias that must be met. In the project, Maritime Anatolian Vocational High School teachers are aimed to recognise educational strategies in a specific topic in the field of maritime which is an international sector, observe renewed business environment and improve theoretical / practical skills. Our young people getting training in the field of maritime are expected to be employed in the maritime industry. When our region?s and our province Giresun's economic profile are taken in consideration, there is no occasion to practise profession for the vocational high school student who completed four-year training. Despite this, it was observed that only 30% of the young graduates participate in offshore internship. When this issue is reaseached, it is revealed that students who completed offshore internship are at the forefront of the matters; such as work, discipline, take responsibility, fulfill the responsibility, gain skills. The inference to be made here is those students? relying on the training that they get and thus their knowledge. Our goal is to increase this rate to 60%, and contribute to goal of vocational education. The basic rules to gain a footing in maritime industry are the required knowledge and discipline. Occurence of maritime accidents cause sad consequences and huge material damage. Rudder and propeller systems are the systems used in the maneuver movements of the ship. This system requires ship maneuvers to be done as required by using the dynamic properties of water. Knowing the best time of the ship's maneuver, determining the time to maneuver, making rudder operation and maintenance as well as knowing and applying the alternative procedures in case of steering locks are the basic skills that a captain should have. In the first movement, what kind of impact right and left hand propeller will have is the basic issue that a captain should know. According to the researches, it is revealed that a large proportion of accidents are caused by incorrect or delayed maneuver movements and steering locks. Within the scope of the project, for one week our participants will get theoretical and practical training about rudder and propeller systems and menauvering skills, take part in simulator practices, examine on site about the relevant sections of the ship, observe the reflections of the sector?s international standards in the EU countries, get new teaching materials that can be used for trainings in maritime lines that operate in related field in countries Germany and Portugal have experienced staff and have physical environment of international standarts. As a vocational training institution, to give the best to our young people at the subject that they get training, to reduce the rate of youth unemployment, to bring our country to the strategic objectives of the EU and to see our young people successful in open seas are our corporate objectives. At the end of the Project, knowledge and skills gained by our teachers in the related subject will contribute to our goal. The effects of the project on teachers; They will be able to do operation and maintenance of propellers, rudders and emergency system. They will be able to ster They will be able to return with twin propellers They will be able to stern frame with one propeller They will be able to rotate the ship with bow thruster and rudder They will be able to slide bordasal with with bow thruster and rudder They will be able to come alongside and run idle from dock.

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