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Denizcilik Alanı Öğrencileri Uygulamalı Tıbbı Bakım Eğitimi
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The participants of our project consist of 11th and 12th grade students studying Ship Management, First Engineering and Yachtsmanship at Kumbağ Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi and its participant sender partners; Köyceğiz, Armatör Yakup Aksoy and Şehit İdari Ataşe Çağlar Yücel Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi. This is a predominantly male group of 40 determined with regard to the local and regional workforce demands. Since most of the participants are minors, there will be a need for 4 chaperones to accompany the 40 participants throughout the mobility. The target group of participants have a high standard vocational and technical education at their schools, however due to the gap in the current curriculum, they lack sufficient knowledge on medical care, health services and responding to sickness or accidents in the open sea. Through the mobility activities abroad, our project aims at eliminating the problem of unemployment for our students who cannot integrate into the workforce market due to their lack of medical care skills and consequently their inability to receive their STCW documents since they remain below IMO (International Maritime Organization) standards. In addition to that, since maritime is a very active sector on an international scale, the participants also need to acquire foreign language skills on a level that will enable them to communicate and cultural skills that will enable them to live among and work together with people from different cultures. The aim of our project’s planned activities is to meet all the skill-related and social needs of our participants. The activities will start with an effective preparation process and include all of the language, cultural, social and pedagogical preparations. Thus the participants will be ready for the placement organizations in different European countries with their improved backgrounds and they will be enabled to go through a productive mobility process. Within the scope of the placement activities, the host institutions in Romania, Czech Republic, Italy and Spain will establish an effective medical service training programme which aims at giving the participants the kind of training that will meet the current STCW 2010 certification criteria during the 14 days they will spend abroad. The project will be run through a sharing of tasks between the project owner institution, the participant institutions and the host partners. In relation to that while the project owner institution undertakes the whole administrative process and budget management, each participant institution will form a Project Management Commission. These commissions will give the participants practical guidance for the preparation process preceding the placement, the administrative procedures, contracts and travel. The host institutions, on the other hand, will play an active role in the conduct of the training programme, accomodation, meals, cultural activities, local transportation and the certification of the acquired skills. As part of our project the participants will be trained in four different host institutions to improve their skills such as doing medical examinations, evaluating injuries, diagnosis and treatment of possible sicknesses, first-aid and care in accidental burn, freezing, fracture, dislocation and muscle injury cases in the open sea, as well as acquiring the skills of applying medical tools and medicine. Besides the above-mentioned professional skills, the participants will not only improve their English skills for everyday purposes, but also learn the terminology (SMCP) related to their professional field. On the other hand, after the cultural preparation activities aimed at meeting the participants’ above-mentioned needs in the development of their intercultural communication skills, they will gain the competence to communicate with people from different religions, races, socio-economic status and cultures. As a result of all these gains, the participants will have the qualifications that the sector demands, they will have employability so that they will easily integrate into the workforce market, and thus the sector in need of qualified staff and the graduates in need of employment will be brought together, and they will indirectly play a significant role in the development of the region as well as the whole country.

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