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Démultiplicateurs de la Mobilté (DEMO)
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The I.P.M. structure wants to continue growing its international actions for professional workers. IPM is already working with different partners abroad and intend to continue though this new actions developing and helping more at an international level. To provide an answer of different identified to professional workers, IPM wishes to develop a specific action with a one week trainee abroad. This week will be given two main area of work which is first linguistic and second professional: Learn European to answer local professional needs Exploring other countries skills and knowledge is always bringing value for employees and companies. Sharing across different working areas such as manual practice, technology, management methods and approach of work bring a new vision and knowledge in the day to day operational work. Linguistic performances! Most often, linguistic skills which are not sufficient and not existing for employees discourage them to go abroad. We then aim to bring some basics knowledge in a given work environment to develop skills into their professionals area. We know that languages skills never come alone, cultural and different work methods go along. As a consequence, this full week will benefit into cultural and overall communication skills for workers. We aim to bring exchanges and learning’s though this program. Building the international network Nowadays exchanges though mobility are too much seen as not proficient to businesses and operational works while it clearly bring a lot in both personal and professional levels for the person integrating such process and also for the person benefitting skills and knowledge from the person sent abroad . However there are a large panel of tools that could be used to value and growth professional mobility. It is and will also benefit to our own stuff to continue to keep monitoring and getting feedbacks from different work experience in different countries. They can then apply those feedbacks to keep advising new comers the best way and with the most realistic information and data. One of the positive impact from the below will be to provide and optimize contact though to youth. IPM has always thought to adapt and customize its different offers according to its very large public. By providing mobility at professional level we expect to benefit from staff who will be involved in different step and processes. These experiences naturally seat our project and mission which are to improve quality of services for people who are looking to start, maintain, develop and change status within the market place. Improve and adapt though our network within the region our answers to international professional needs. Increase the offer`s quality for the youth and contribute to more transparency and knowledge toward younger age person willing to go abroad.
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6 Partners Participants