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Demonstrative technique to prevent eutrophication by agrarian nitrates in surface waters in the Mediterranean climate (EUTROMED)
Start date: Sep 1, 2011, End date: Apr 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background According to data from monitoring activities within the framework of the EU Nitrates Directive, excess concentrations of nitrogen in water remains a serious environmental problem. Policy measures to raise awareness about preventative measures and the more efficient use of fertilisers are not bridging the gap between policy goals and outcomes in the field. A particular challenge to the effective reduction of nitrogen in water is to adequately take account of the specific conditions of each waterway. This means adapting measures for at least the following aspects: climate, geology, soil type and condition, and types of local agricultural activity and practices. The basin of the Cubillas river between Iznalloz and the Cubillas dam is a nitrate vulnerable zone in the province of Granada. The project will cover an area of 250 ha of this basin. Objectives The objective of the Eutromed project is to develop and demonstrate a sustainable method for the reduction of nitrogen levels in surface flow from agricultural land in the Mediterranean climate zone. The project will install state-of-the-art buffer technology on a demonstration drainage area of 250 hectares in the basin of the river Cubillas. The effectiveness of different nitrogen filters will be monitored and documented. By identifying good practice, the project will provide a reference on how to reduce levels of nitrogen in surface flow from agricultural land in the specific conditions of the Mediterranean climate zone. A key objective is to provide guidance and training to public authorities, farmers and agricultural organisations on the principles of land stewardship and sustainable use of resources. The project will consolidate and contribute to existing knowledge and practices in relation to the efficient use of fertilisers, better irrigation practices and the processes of erosion. It will develop an IT tool to facilitate the design and selection of preventative measures to reduce nitrate pollution, and guidelines for fertilisation adapted to the farmland in question. The project team will calculate the cost-efficiency of the buffer technology, taking into account the benefits achieved in terms of nitrogen reduction in water, increased biomass production and reduced soil erosion. It will also provide guidance on combining the buffer technology with existing action plans under the Nitrates Directive. The team will work closely with a network of experts tackling the same problems in other climate and geological zones in the EU. Expected results: A 50% reduction in nitrogen in the river and a 70% reduction of nitrates; Reduction in erosion of 80%, compared with untreated watershed; A 30% reduction in the amount of fertiliser used on farms; 25 tonnes of biomass generated annually for every 5 ha treated; Demonstration of cost-efficiency of buffer technology; Guidance tools for the implementation of measures for preventing nitrogen-pollution.

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