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Demonstration of an innovative e-learning platform for Sustainable Use of Pesticides training
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Sustainable Use of Pesticides Training (SUPTraining) project aimed at developing and demonstrating an innovative e-learning platform to train professional users, advisors and distributors of plant protection products (PPPs) to a sustainable use of it in the framework of the 2009/128/EC Directive. According to the European Commission (Regulation n°1107/2009, art. 6), the use of PPPs is "one of the most important ways of protecting plants and plant products against harmful organisms, including weeds, and of improving agri­cultural production". However these products could have negative impacts on environment, users and consumers if not used correctly. In this context, the EC has adopted a Directive (2009/128/EC) to ensure that every professional user, distributor and advisor has access to an appropriate training after which they can be certificated. The issue of Vocational Education Training (VET) is always complex and the needs and expectations of professional workers may vary a lot depending on their profiles and local contexts. That's why different complementary training supports have to be created to train the largest audience to sustainable use of pesticides. The main objective of the SUPTraining project was to develop an innovative training support for a sustainable use of pesticides in accordance with the Directive requirements. Partners collaborated to create an e-learning platform in 3 languages (English, French and Italian) adapted to National regulations. This training material is completed with an attestation tool that allows any users to validate their knowledge. The project aimed also to close the gap between VET system and professional world by developing a platform adapted to the real needs of practitioners. To reach its objectives, SUPTraining project gathered 5 partners from 3 EU MS (France, Italy and Bulgaria). The project was coordinated by Bayer CropScience (BCS). As European leader regarding crop protection BCS has specific skills and expertise regarding the safe and sustainable use of pesticides and training notably. Because of its international reputation, BCS was and will be able to widely promote the SUPTraining tool all over Europe. BCS benefited from the collaboration of training centres in France (SEPCO) and in Italy (CESAF) to develop the training content. An Italian research centre, UCSC, brought its support for the co-creation of training content and brought some concrete examples of best practices in order to raise the interest of professional workers. Finally, an experimented consultancy company (Europroject, Bulgaria) supported partners in the administrative and financial management of the project. This company was also responsible for the IT development of the platform. To reach the project objectives, partners have implemented a precise methodology that will be replicable by any interested organisations. First, training centres defined the methodological and pedagogic approaches. UCSC participated in this activity by closing the gap between the training and the users needs previously identified in a European project. Then training centres developed a basic training content in English, adapted to European standards and transfered it in Italian and French contexts and languages. The training is adapted to the different kind of targeted stakeholders and fit the requirements of the Directive. The platform has been evaluated at different levels before the official launching of the SUPTraining e-learning tool. Then an experimentation phase took place, where training centres involved end users and monitored their progress and results. The SUPTraining project has resulted in the development of several products that will have an important short term impact: - An innovative methodology for training the targeted audience to the Directive. - An e-learning platform containing 3 versions of the training in English, French and Italian including an attestation test. - At least 300 actors will be trained to the Directive. - An important number of European stakeholders will be informed. Partners want to provide to the 28 EU MS a suitable and relevant tool to help them to implement the Directive 2009/128/EC. The SUPTraining methodology and platform will be easily transferable to any European contexts and should, in that way, improve the level of knowledge of European agricultural practitioners. In that way, the SUPTraining project will participate, in long term perspective, in the development of a sustainable agriculture. By disseminating practices for a better use of PPPs, SUPTraining project will result in an improvement of both the quality of our environment and public heath.
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4 Partners Participants