Search for European Projects

Deltion College supports students and teachers in Europe
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Deltion College offers prospects to students within their own regions in the Netherlands and in Europe. The spearhead of policy involves updating the content of modern foreign languages and bilingaul education linked to foreign supervised practical training (STP). Deltion College works within Deltion-wide frameworks, meaning that all teams works towards the objectives to carry out the foreign STP’s. This Erasmus+ proejct has contributed to the substantive improvement of the foreign STP’s. During this project period we have expanded our network to Eastern Europe (Hungary and Poland). Deltion has upgraded the content of modern foreign languages during this project period: it has benefited our students in preparation of a foreign STP. The students have received a Europass and the STP is part of the curriculum: the validation of skills acquired is included. This project delivered a significant contribution to t he European consciousness of our students, teachers, the management of Deltion College, the partnerschools in Europe, foreign companies and the regional business community. We have worked with reliable partners.
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1 Partners Participants