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Découvrir un patrimoine culturel et traditionnel à travers la pratique de l'élevage
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project “Agricultural students’ mobility: discover cultural heritage through breeding professional practice” is bound to the school-project: to fit professional studies into European mobility action. We chose the Breeding field for this program for several reasons: the site of the school (le PELLERIN, Loire Region) is specialised in agricultural fields: farming management (Breeding Baccalaureate) and equestrian studies (Equestrian Baccalaureate). Breeding studies suffer from depreciation among students, who often chose this section by default. A team of teachers is working on an educational school project to solve this problem of depreciation, to improve its perception among students, to offer them motivating perspectives, and, in the medium term, to improve the recruitment of students in that field, as much quantitatively as qualitatively. Mobility is one of the key aspects of this school project. The classes concerned by the project is two groups of 16 students, who will be on year 2 out of 3 of their Baccalaureate. The totality of the class is concerned by the project. Before all, the project theme is professional: improving their breeding practices, making them discover new breeding methods and techniques, and gaining autonomy. Through our Sicilian professional partners, mostly farmers, our students will discover a radically different form of agricultural practices: traditional, mostly biological, and with strong local roots. We made the choice to couple this professional theme with a strong cultural component: through the discovery of cultural and local traditions, and with the inclusion of socio-cultural education unit (to account for a territory through image, to account for cultural specificities, to account for experiences and encounters). A multidisciplinary team is working on this project: technical and vocational teachers are working with cultural teachers, and the direction of the school is also strongly implicated. The mobility itself will be 3 weeks long, a minimum required for a significant experience, and is fully linked to the Baccalaureate curriculum: 12 days of individual training period – evaluated by both internship mentor and by teachers, and rewarded by a certificate – 4 days of collective professional visits, discovery of the local specificities planned by both French and Italian teams, and week-ends for local and cultural aspects, and realization of a photograph exhibition – monitored by the socio-cultural teacher. All these skills will be evaluated in continuous assessment, for the Baccalaureate diploma. The project is developed on a basis of reciprocity: the team is invested in receiving a group of Italian students, and this reinforces the links between the schools and the network of professionals. Students will be fully active in the impact of the project, through the photograph exhibition, and the restitution of their experience. The objectives of the project are triple: for the students, enhancement of their field of studies, and, in a long term period, to make them aware of professional possibilities and to give them trust on their own abilities. For the team, to develop pluri-disciplinary work though a motivating project, and to work on the development of the breeding field. For the school, to give corpse to the European development project, to develop and to reinforce European partnerships, and to improve the image of the school among various partners and future students.
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