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DECC – Supporting the development of the economy of culture and creativity in the cross-border region Hungary-Romania-Ukraine (HUSKROUA/1001/058)
Start date: Nov 30, 2012, End date: Nov 29, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project aims at intensifing the cooperation in the common cross border region Hungary-Romania-Ukraine in a socially and economically sustainable way through implementing relevant instruments meant to support the development of the economy of culture and creativity in this cross-border region, with a special focus on cultural tourism. Main activities:PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND CONTROLLING;TENDERS AND SUB-CONTRACTING PROCEDURES;ANALYSIS AND RESEARCH OF THE ECONOMY OF CULTURE AND CREATIVITY IN THE PROJECT AREA;IMPLEMENTATION AND TRAINING MEASSURES;PUBLIC RELATIONS Achievements: A. A better understanding of the status and the potential of the cultural and creative industry; Studies and analysis on the cross-border cultural and creative industries, through analysis, meetings, reports, case studies and branch hearings. B. An increased exchange of practical experience, by customized training sessions and workshops schedules, through workshops and training sessions. C. A better promotion of the cultural an creative industries, of the project findings and a better visibility of EU and project objectives in the Region, through websites, flyers, brochures, promotional articles, newsletter, exhibitions and final conferences. D. New active cross-border networks developed, through cross-border partnership agreements. E. Better project management skills of partners staff, through intermediary and final reports, IMC Steering Committees and steering committee meetings.

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  • 87%   444 748,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

2 Partners Participants