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Start date: Dec 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Students from the thirth degree of our secondary school will go for an internship on farms, gardens, horse stables in Denmark, Germany, France, Italy, Poland and Sweden. This students are in different sectors, and study agriculture, horticulture/landscaping, equestranism, and in a lesser degree natural sciences. De purpose of these internships are multiple: extend their technical knowledge, exercise their technical skills, exercise speaking other languages, taste of other mentalities and culture of other countries, behave more independent. number and profile of participants 50 participants from the thirth degree in the sections agriculture, horticulture/landscaping, equestrianism and natural sciences. They all go on an internship on a voluntary basis during the school holidays. A major benefit of this is that the most motivated students go, with the consequence that there are usually no important problems during the internship. description of activities Each student chooses his/her internship following his/her interest. As the degree of specialisation in our sector is very high, there is worked out for each student a personal program between the responsibles from the enterprise and the school , based on the students interests and capacities. methodology to be used in carrying out the project Students who want to go on an internship during the summer of 2015, they can apply during november/december 2014. They motivate where (country) they want to go, what kind of enterprise, and what they want to learn. With this information, the accompanying theachers search during the spring of 2015 for each student a workplace, and prepare with the responsibles from the enterprises a personal program for each student. During the spring of 2015, the students prepare themselves with lessons where they learn how to make quality pictures and film, a day where they are pushed to behave independent, technical languages courses in the different languages, and an evening for their parents about insurances, program of the intership etc. From the end of june on, the students leave for their destinations, what is a real exodus as several little groups go all their own way. Students who need close company of a teacher can go with a group to France where a teacher of our school stays permanently during the internship. The other students can travel with their own small group, and will be visited by a accompanying teacher during the internship. Most of the students live during the internship in the house of the farmer with him, her and their family. Others go on an apartment on the farm or nearby, or go on camping and are responsible for their own household. When the internship comes to an end, the internship will be evaluated by the student, the farmer and the accompanying teacher, and the student makes a technical report. During autumn 2015 each student gives for the other students a presentation, and at the end of november 2015 there is a film for all the local interested people, and people from the sectors. This procedure restarts at that moment for the summer of 2016. a short description of the results and impact envisaged and finally the potential longer term benefits The purposes of this project must be fulfilled for each student, and we want them to learn something of each other. The people from the local community and the different professional sectors can learn about what the students saw at the annual film which brings a global report of these internships. Several foreign farmers say they learn from their student how we work here in Belgium. On the longer time these internships gives the students the possibility for self-fulfillment, professional ànd private.
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