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DAYS - Digital Animators for Younger Schools
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The “Digital Animators for Younger Schools – DAYS” is a project born from the experience made since 2007 till now by the partnership in national and European projects related to the "Digital School". Each school of the consortium is strongly motivated to upgrade competencies with the common consciousness that all previous experiences need to be enhanced in order to optimize results achieved on past projects. The schools involved in DAYS have all made a significant path in the field of the digital school and aspire to become on the Tuscan territory a lasting partnership able to support change and innovation in schools.The institutions of the consortium share the idea that the school is now the greatest generator of demand for innovation, and therefore of digital as well. Many schools in the consortium have begun the digitization path with the National Plan for Digital School, by participating in "Azione LIM", "Azione Cl@ssi 2.0", "Azione Scuola@ 2.0" and furthermore "Azione Poli Formativi" that helped to identify some educational institutions for the organization and management of training courses on "digital competencies" and "eSkills" aimed at teachers.The project partnership "DAYS" is ready on experiences implemented by the Ministry of Education and aims to strengthen skills and experience through the mobility of highly motivated teachers. It is aimed to continue the process initiated by the "Digital Animators", through specialized training courses and job shadowing experiences to achieve more effective competencies to share in the classrooms of the consortium first, and also out of the consortium with a strong dissemination activity.The project aims to spread on the Tuscany Region first, and at an Italian and European level, new teaching methods to foster better integration of immigrants and persons with disabilities. Moreover, it aims to a new interdisciplinary teaching approaches in order to involve students, especially on topics and subjects frequently considered difficult (eg. science) or boring (eg. humanities), adopting innovative, interactive and effective communication strategies.The project plans 40 mobility abroad for teachers (4 per each school), to perform activities related to training (e.g. on teaching methods, on the cultural integration, on robotic and ICT disciplines) and job shadowing (aimed at compare different teaching methods, methodological and curriculum and so on), focused on digital environments. The comparison of experiences and teaching strategies performed in different European countries and context, as well as being a capable tool of improving teacher’s professionality, is an opportunity to acquire skills for the construction of a really effective training project.The Regional Education Office, consortium leader, intends to encourage a virtuous organizational method - cooperation oriented - to be implemented through training courses and observation activities in the partner schools. REO also aims to disseminate results to the network of Regional Education Offices throughout the Italian territory.The dissemination activities of the achieved results will be disseminated through a dedicated website in Italian and English language (which will be kept active at least two years after the closing of the project), newsletters, articles in magazines and online sites.A final conference in Florence will be organized, inviting all the Regional Education Offices (one from each region), the Digital Animators of the schools involved in the project and of the whole Tuscany Region.Moreover, once the project is ended, the schools of the consortium will be proposed to the other Italian and European schools by the platform "School Education Gateway" as host schools for job shadowing, each for the specific activities enhanced by this project, but always focussed on the "digital environments".The evaluation of the success of the project will be done using indicators, measuring the results at least one year after the end of the project:A) the number of teachers who have upgraded/modified/integrated their teaching method than the number of teachers who participated in the project activities;B) the number of students who have shown more involvement, motivation, interest in the study of science and if their ratings have improved compared to traditional - or previous - teaching methods; C) the growth in demand for new "enhanced" training courses, such as those provided by the project, by other teachers of the same or other institutions.In order to gather the information and then to quantify and to assess the impact, it will required a collaborative effort between all the consortium partners beyond the deadline set by the project DAYS.The Tuscany Regional Education Office will collect data from the impact indicators and will give the results to the schools of the partnership and maximum spread through all the available channels.

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