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"Dari un māci, ko tu proti" (Do and teach what you know")
Start date: Aug 21, 2016, End date: Feb 20, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

International youth exchange project " Dari un māci ko tu proti " ("Do and teach what you know") will take place in Līvāni, Līvānu novads.In consultation with the social workers, school representatives, this project involving young people from small villages far away from the parish center, with the occasional public transport, which is the geographical and economic barriers, young people who go hard in training for these young people to be active in the society members. In this way, helping them get out of their usual environment and see the world differently.The project will involve 8 leaders and 32 young people aged between 13-25 years. Total from each country will participate in the project by 10 young people. Young people will arrive from the Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Poland. Project activities will take place during the period 28.10.2016-06.11.2016, a total of 10 days.The project aims to:Enable young people with fewer opportunities to upgrade their skills through encouraging youth participation in democratic life, a joint operation within an informal setting, the other national cultural familiarization with foreign language skills improvement, sharing their experience of non-formal education and learn about other young people's experiences and jointly generate ideas.Tasks:To teach young people to take the initiative, not stand aside.Creating the opportunity for young people to communicate with youth from other countries, to share their knowledge and learn from each other.Find the same and different, doing the same thing and find another alternative to achieve this goal.Invite local residents to jointly staged theater playback, the involvement of local people in sports day, dance day, when we learn together in each country one folk dance.Investigate each country during presentations.During the exchange participants of the project will consist of presentations about their cultures, traditions, thus complementing the ability to speak and to present itself. In particular, these skills and cultural familiarization will be national presentations, where each country will have an opportunity to share more information about their country and encourage it to get to know even more.Will be used for non-formal education of youth in consolidating methods (group work, "Ice breaking" contacts through play and music), and the distribution group. Important here is to enable young people to better know each other, because the performance during which all will work closely together to theater performance is viewable and enjoyable, as well as most importantly - to the project involved the young people to unleash from your routine, be freed from shyness, from fear to the public speak to be able to find the election to change something in their life, and also through the information gathered to be able to share with other young people. Also, to young people through this project to learn the language and are not discouraged to speak at the wrong English, Conversation in the project will be English. Similarly, young people will learn to accept other cultures, behaviors and mutual attitude.The result will be the desire of young people to develop different projects in the local community, together with partners in other countries, to build their everyday environment and go out of negativity, they sometimes see in their everyday life.

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