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Dansk/skotsk samarbejde for at udvikle EUD Merkantil (hg) studerendes mulighed for at få arbejde i udlandet og for at forbedre deres sproglige samt kulturelle viden 5.
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In the course of a three week and a six week period of study at City of Glasgow College 20 second year business school students (HG) and 20 business school students who have finished sixth form college prior to their admittance (HGS) and adult business school students (HGV) from the three business schools Erhvervsskolerne Aars, EUC Nord and Tradium Mariagerfjord will have the opportunity to establish contacts within the Scottish business sector and thus enhance the opportunity of getting a traineeship abroad (PIU). This will be possible by visiting companies and by company supported teaching (alternative traineeship) for the 6 week students. Furthermore, the students will be taught other subjects aiming at improving their language and cultural skills. The reason for this period of study is that we know from experience that Danish business school students seldom apply for international jobs as they lack international skills. The lack of such skills makes it hard for them to find future jobs, and these are skills that the Ministry of Education has pointed out as being of great importance. Internationalization is part of the competence goals by which the students are assessed. This is therefore an approved part of the Danish education and does not prolong the students’ education. Furthermore, it is an important part of the strategy of the school that internationalization is emphasized so that the students will be able to cope with the international labour market and with international study environments. In the course of the three week period of study the students will receive an overall impression of what is takes to manage in a foreign culture. Furthermore, the students will get an impression of the Scottish business sector through the subjects they are taught and company visits. This period of study is targeted at the young business school students (HG), and therefore much effort has been put into making them feel comfortable; among other things there will be held parents’ evenings, where questions will be answered, a shared Facebook group will be established, there will be put much emphasis on the role of the Scottish contact teacher, and a Danish teacher will accompany the students during the first week. In the course of the six week period of study the students will receive an understanding of what it takes to live in another culture, furthermore they will get a good grasp of the Scottish business sector and the Scottish educational system through the subjects they are taught, company visits and the company supported teaching. This period of study is targeted at the HGS and HGV students. Thus the students must have a minimum age of 18 years, and they will be expected to be more independent. The importance of making the students feel comfortable will not be neglected, but the main focus will be on vocational training so that their international skills will be strengthened. In addition to the above the students participating in the six week period of study will have an extra SQA subject for which they will receive a certificate that will sharpen their international profile compared to other Danish students. The SQA certificate is internationally approved and can open more international doors. Furthermore, the students must start writing a report which must be completed upon arrival home. This report will document their knowledge and skills acquired during the period of study. Apart from further strengthening the students’ commercial skills, the purpose of both periods of study is: o To increase the awareness of the students’ own language and culture, and by working with other national cultures the students will acquire an increased understanding of these being very different from their own although they are geographically rather close to Denmark. o To increase an awareness of what other cultures have to offer us o To increase an awareness of equality across national borders o To further strengthen the students’ international and intercultural skills o To increase the students’ mobility As we have started implementing ECVET, the students will receive a learning agreement prior to the period of study with detailed information on which competence goals they will be expected to acquire during the period of study. Through previous projects we have documented that our students are very interested in participating in periods of study abroad, and therefore we know that the number of students mentioned in this application is realistic.
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