European Projects
Daniel Challenge 2016-2017
Daniel Challenge 2016-2017
Start date: Sep 1, 2016,
End date: Feb 28, 2018
Daniel Challenge is a youth year out programme, it is a European Voluntary Service programme through Erasmus+, funded by the European Commission. Daniel Challenge involves social action and community development. It draws young people from across the UK, Europe and further afield between the ages of 18 -30 years, in groups of between 8 and 16 in number. They are from wide range social and academic backgrounds. The programme is a 10 month course that starts in September and finishes in July. We can take up to 6 volunteers per annum through Erasmus+.The programme is designed to develop and enhance the life skills of participants and prepare them for the world of work or further education. It does this in an atmosphere that impacts the society as part of this vocational course. Underpinning the development of the young people are accredited qualifications that ensure a rigor in the academic elements and ensures that participants leave with qualifications to add to their CV. These activities are facilitated through the Salt and Light North East family of churches and partnerships in the local community and associations. This allows us to develop working and training in the following areas:Community DevelopmentWorking with local links to deliver community outreach (Family fun, garden tidying, litter picking, special occasions), visiting and helping the elderly and vulnerable (Painting kitchens, bathrooms and gardening), mentoring and peer dialogue.SchoolsSchool assemblies, breakfast clubs, childrens work, classwork activities, international students, sex education, toddler groups, youth clubs and youth outreach.TrainingMentoring, teaching, growing life skills (Financial management, time management, CV writing) and providing level 2 & 3 qualifications (Youth Practice and Principles; Skills, Employment, Training and Personal Development; and Religious Education). The underpinning of our organisation is the support of many churches across the North East of England, which allows comprehensive pastoral support from many people with many years’ experience. We also have in place comprehensive policies on diversity, children protection and vulnerable adults. These allow us to accommodate and support any young person within our organisation.