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Dalla comunità scolastica alla società civile
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The cooperation project between Iseo and Holzgerlingen "From the school community to civil society" (SC&CS ) meeting common needs of the users of both schools, mainly aims at improving the key competences of the students, especially the ones that are required to improve their employability, increasing the number of student mobilities, facilitating the acknowledgement of studies abroad, and preparing the ground for a sustainable and permanent cooperation between the two schools, which will make it possible to continue long-term study mobilities, exchanges of groups of students, virtual cooperation between teachers, groups of students or classes through etwinning. This further cooperation will have been made easier by the implementation of the activities and the accomplishment of the objectives set by the project SC&CS, among which the achievement of a reciprocal in-depth awareness of the main teaching and managing aspects in both schools. Sustainability of the long-term cooperation after completion of the project will be supported through other resources provided by both schools. Unlike previous cooperation experiences between the two schools (such as class exchanges) which involved a limited number of students and teachers, the project SC&CS will have a wide and strong impact on all members of both school communities, who will get to know each other, exchange good practices both during the mobilities and through etwinning and other ICT tools. All students, including the ones with special needs, all teachers and school staff (totalling about 3000 people) will have the possibility to participate, and although to a different extent, they will be able to contribute to the successful completion of the project. Several languages will be employed for communication, and the project will principally involve students aged 15-17. Every school year the following mobilities will be implemented: at the beginning of the school year an initial meeting aimed at planning the year's activities in detail, a student exchange, long -term study mobilities, and a final transnational meeting (attended by teachers and students) for presenting and comparing results and for monitoring activities. (Maximum number of mobilities in three years: 240) Over the three school years students and teachers from both schools will cooperate in carrying out research, analysis, comparisons and subsequently in producing multimedia materials on various aspects of the management and organisation of schools and local communities in both territories. Such project activities will also be implemented and supported by students during mobility phases; in fact they will be given specific tasks within the project and their work will be evaluated by teachers. Participation in the activities will help students develop the ability to work in teams, also with people of different cultures, and to be precise, proactive, and respect times. At the end of each school year and at the beginning of the following events will be organised where the pupils and teachers involved in the project will share their knowledge with newcomers. Respect of management times will constantly be monitored by the two project coordinators and the relevant achievement indicator will be calculated at the end of every school year. The team of "Riesame della Direzione" of the coordinating school (Iseo) will be responsible for monitoring the quality of the project activities and results, while budget control will mainly be entrusted to administrative staff in Iseo and to teachers and Headmaster in Holzgerlingen. All materials produced will be made available through etwinning , the school websites and Moodle; materials and results will be presented and disseminated at events inside and outside the two schools and through local TVs, newspapers and media in both territories. Different materials and results related to the chosen topic will be produced by Italian and German students such as : presentations, videos, questionnaires, surveys and relevant results, quizzes, organizational charts, research, comparisons, interviews, reports on visits to local governmental bodies and authorities and other outings during mobility phases, texts, outlines, mind maps, graphs, paper or virtual posters; project logo, Italian-German glossaries for different subjects; teaching materials for lessons to groups of mixed nationalities; minutes of meetings between Italian and German teachers of similar subjects with possible additions of examples of teaching materials used by any of the two schools.
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