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Dakini Phase II

Overall, the Dakini project is a major participatory Anglo-French education support programme that has started to provide pupils and their teachers with interactive access to high quality digital teaching resources and materials that will help to maximise their understanding of key cultural, economic, social, historical and geographical issues within the Interreg IIIa region.This phase is the second phase of the overall Dakini Project. It will build on the first phase of the project, currently under development, by consolidating it, expanding it and preparing the ground for the third phase of the project which intends to roll out its services to the whole region, when the future Interreg IVa funding becomes available in 2007.This second phase will :* provide an increased number of schools with the adapted GIS software and multi-source high quality digital data,* train teachers and develop attractive and inspiring educational resources, in English and French, and* to provide free bilingual Internet service and server to the participating schools.

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