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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

There are 36 students from ZSH-T named after T. Halik in Świdnica who are going to take part in this project. We would like to give a chance to go abroad to all students who are going to work in hospitaliy & gastronomy. Unfortunately it is impossible & that is why they will have to be chosen in a way of selection. Those ones who will leave are to develop their skills & professional competences, observe the latest trends in the branch & develop their personality & networking skills, as well. We think those placements will finally force them to use their professional English language every day & will master German at a good level & learn some Greek language, too. A certain shyness in this respect will be overcome what will cause a feeling of appreciation by themselves. It will also make them more enterprising & willing to become involved in more serious undertakings & their professional activity will be appreciated by their employers. Pedagogical-cultural-linguistic courses for trainees before placements certainly will prepare them very well. We will do our best to organise them as good as it is possible. Getting good jobs or opening their own small hotels, restaurants or other establishments related to tourism will be the result of their good qualifications, enterprising, creativity & good manners. They will become top-class managers with skills & experiences gained in Berlin & Limassol. Foreseen in the draft additional courses of German and Greek will also enable them to handle foreign visitors. For Świdnica it means that the quality of services rendered in hospitality, gastronomy & tourism will grow considerably and finally that region will be more attractive. First 12 trainee group will leave for Berlin in spring time & the other one to Limassol in September 2017. The last group will depart to Berlin in March 2018. One tutor will accompany each group. Trainees will work in luxurious hotels & will be accommodated in nice hostels in Berlin & apartments in Limassol. The tutors & hotel managers will take care of the high quality training performed according to the programme. The best hotel staff will be delegated to control the progress of students' work. Teachers will monitor trainees' work - filling in their diaries, helping them to solve everyday problems, organising trips and cruises & their free time & will assess them according to criteria ECVET. They will also prepare together with hotel managers Europass-Mobility documents. They will ask managers for references & certificates in which they will express their opinions on students’ work & skills. The main goals of school director's monitoring of trainees will be connected with checking their accommodation, duties & work regimes, & discussing with hotels' representatives on the exchange of experiences as well as current & long lasting cooperation. The manager of the practical training will prepare anonymous survey conducted on the quality of courses, held internships, Polish & foreign caregivers, as well as the organization of all activities, including tours & free time. They will be filled by students after returning from Germany & Cyprus. They will show how the project has been rated by them. The students will also express their views on the benefits that gave them these internships in a professional, linguistic, social & intercultural context. How has the environment taught them be self-reliant, tolerance, creativity & entrepreneurial what they learned about a country, its culture, traditions & customs.Evaluation & validation will be performer by a team of people not involved in the undertaking so as they can objectively assess the trainees & all activities within the project. Then the researches’ results will be reliable. Before & after internships English teachers will prepare comparative tests to see how well the trainees have mastered professional English. They will show the progress made by the trainees. Vocational teachers & Polish hotel managers will check the quality of their work, other professional achievements & preparation to the work in hospitality, tourism & gastronomy. Students will write reports after their arrival & get certificates from the school.Dissemination of the Erasmus+ Project Trainees will also participate together with their teachers in promoting the project at school, other educational institutions, in the municipality, Internet portals & in Polish, German & Cypriot local press. Leaflets, multimedial presentations & many pictures will be prepared on that occasion.We know our partners for several years. Director Rudolf Enste (OSZ Gastgewerbe school/Berlin) & director Eugenios Savva (ELIAS BEACH Hotel /Limassol) are very reliable persons. They requre a lot from their staff & apprentices. In such way they keep high standards in hotel industry, tourism & gastronomy. We would like to continue the good cooperation with them, to exchange experiences and establish further ties of friendship with other employees.
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