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CUSTYLE - Continuous Studies Curriculum Development for the New Image Designer - Stylist Specialist

CUSTYLE will consider the emerging trend in the beauty and fashion sector towards Image Designers / Stylists. The project will develop both a series of requirements for professional competencies and a curriculum manual to consider the requirements for this new practice.Bringing together a range of partner institutions, each with their own bias in this sector, each institution will responsible for the investigation of the demands and development of the range of competencies for a single element of this new role (to include Hairdressing, Sewing, Cosmetics, Fashion and Entrepreneurship).The series of professional competencies will further outline the demands of the position of Image Designer / Stylist, bringing together the relevant requirements for knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes across the range of contributory sectors. The curriculum manual, to be released in printed form (in EN), will outline the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge, leading towards a potential, new Image Designer/Stylist Qualification.Initial piloting of the 'model' qualification will be undergone in each country with a select group of students having basic vocational training in one of the contributory fields. Accreditation of the qualification is to then be sought following any proposed changes as a result of the initial pilot.National & transnational dissemination is to take place throughout the project within the various contributory sectors, resulting in a final conference presenting the professional competencies and curriculum manual to a broad range of professionals from across the beauty and fashion sector.
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