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Curriculum für die (Weiter-)Bildung zum europäischen Sozialberichtsanalytiker
Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project focuses on the identification and understandable documentation of skills and competences of a specific target group: the emerging group of specialists in the field of analyzing non-financial and diversity informations (NFI) of undertakings. Directive 2014/95/EU on disclosure of non-financial and diversity information (NFI) will apply to large public-interest entities with more than 500 employees, i.e. approx. 6 000 large companies and groups across the EU. After Implementation of Directive 2014/95/EU the demand for specialists in the field of NFI-Analysis will increase significantly - especially with regard information relating to environmental, social and employee-related matters and respect for human rights, in order to evaluate and compare the reports of 6.000 large companies in a right manner. In the wake of this development there will be a great deal of challenges for workers representatives and trade unions. Especially they have to decide, how to evaluate NFI within CRS reports. So far no specific training for NFI-Analysts exists neither on european nor on national level. The project will cover these questions. The target group consists from experts in european and national social partner organisations and their affiliated training agencies and research institutions.In the course of the project 7 project partners from 6 countries will• compile methods of evaluation/analysis in order to cover the demand of trade unions/workers representatives/NGOs to achieve EU-wide standards of NFI-Analysis.• identify necessary competences in order to develop and to promote the mentioned methods of NFI-Analysis;• develope, test and implement a Curricula for an european training course together with a manual for trainers;• instruct teachers and advisors as NFI-Analysts with the mentioned competences;• develope a practical and innovative toolkit for NFI Analysts;• create a database/portal for NFI-analyses in order to facilitate performing the task as analyst and to provide opportunities for comparing NFI-Reports in different countries and/or sectors.At the end of the project• a first group of NFI-Analysts will be trained, • a set of indicators as tools for the individual analyse of NFI will be identified and tested,• through that, trade union training providers will be enabled to actively contribute to further education of NFI analysts,• basics are set for a network of persons and organisations dealing with NFI-Analyses.

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6 Partners Participants