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Curricula Development of Interdisciplinary Master Courses in Energy Efficient Building Design in Nepal and Bhutan
Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Curricula Development of Interdisciplinary Master Courses in Energy Efficient Building Design in Nepal and BhutanThe main goal of the project is:- to develop a new Master programme on Energy Efficiency in Buildings;-to support existing Master programmes with development of laboratory facilities and establishment of new courses- to graduate Masters in Energy Efficient Building Design who can meet the market needs of the Partner countries in order to establish sustainable energy development and efficient energy practices;- Improving exchange of advanced knowledge regarding energy efficiency in buildingsIntermediate goals:- to develop appropriate laboratory components and field experiment tools based on interactive learning and teaching;- to establish training courses for professional engineers and architects in the areas of applied energy for buildings;- to establish scientific preparation courses for professional engineers and architects, aiming at improving or establishing research on energy efficiency in buildings.- to promote technological and scientific co-operation between universities and companies on energy efficiency in buildings;- to strengthen the collaboration between the participating universities from EU, Nepal and Bhutan.

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