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Culture of Learning
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The world is changing rapidly and becoming increasingly globalised. Our young people will be facing a very different employment market in the next 10-20 years. Employment opportunities will change as the use of digital skills increases with rapid developments in technology.Our project is based on the evidence that although students are overall improving their results in external tests, when students leave school many do not have the necessary skills to prepare them for future employment opportunities and life skills. Many students also feel that while they are prepared for taking part in examinations they do not have the skills to take responsibility for their own learning and become lifelong learners and that some lessons do not prepare them for post school experiences. Education & Training 2020 identifies that at school level there are still too many students that leave school early and/or do not have the competencies required for 21st century future employment. While overall standards of teaching in many schools is good there are still too many instances where the quality of teaching falls below the expected requirements. OECD International Summit (2011) states that quality of teaching is imperative to improved pupil outcomes; the challenge is to equip all not some teachers for effective learning in the 21st century.The project’s OVERALL AIM is to strengthening the quality of leadership, pedagogy, communities and policy in school education. We have identified the OECD publication (2010) ‘The Nature of Learning’ which supports our ideas to create a ‘Culture of Learning’ (CoL) in schools to support high quality teaching & learning by developing processes to meet the needs of learners.Through working with the multi-stakeholder partnership (schools/universities/LA) of this project we will identify these processes and develop an interactive CoL tool/matrix and guidance (O1/O2) for schools and stakeholder to use to identify where their strengths are and what needs to be improved to create an effective CoL. Our MAIN OBJECTIVE is to strengthen the competencies and learning of all students by organisation of the process of learning in school in the way that helps them to learn effectively through strengthening teachers’ professionalism. Specific Objectives are student centered:1 Learners at the centre 2 The social nature of learning3 Emotions as integral to learning4 Recognizing individual differences5 Stretching of all students6 Assessment for learning7 Building horizontal connectednessThrough identifying these processes for developing a school environment that supports CoL we will then work on the areas that contribute to the CoL tool/matrix (O1/O2)through the following activities:O3-O4 – study the impact of project on students’ wellbeing through a 3 year annual survey and reports identifying strengths and areas for development05-06- strengthen the professionalism of teaching profession with action research challenges built into short study visits and case studies produced after these visits.07 a self-evaluation tool kit for teachers to reflect on and improve/adapt their practice08- More innovative teaching and assessment resources to reflect needs of 21st century learning – with digital learning and competence core requirement.09 – website to host interactive CoL tool O1 and resources and tools developedO10 – instructional blogs/videos produced by practitioners to support innovative teaching & learningWe will use a Professional Learning Community methodology with partners; it is a participatory approach based on identifying the problems, seeking solutions from research, testing solutions in context and evaluating impact. CoL project will focus on the teaching profession at classroom and leadership level and their inter-relationship with their community (pupils and parents) LAs, universities and policy makers in creating the ‘CoL'.Our participants are:7 Schools 300+ Senior leaders and teaching staff in the schoolsOver 3000+ potential Students in 7 schools1 LA Education Directorate University Wales Trinity St David – education faculty 2 lead staffUniversity Latvia Faculty of Education – 4 lead staffJagiellonian University Poland -Education Dept.- 2 lead staff 12 multiplier events will target 300+ additional participantsThe results/impact of the project :Identified conditions for 21st century skills and culture of learningIMPROVED PROCESSES and SYSTEM CHANGE increasing participation of students in effective learningImproved quality of lessons and subsequent learningIncreased professionalism of teaching profession – including synergy with New deal for teachers WalesNew resources tailored to 21st century skills, specifically supporting Successful Futures, Wales; Improving literacy skills in Iceland, promoting STEM subjects for Latvia/Wales and involving students in their learning for PolandImproved outcomes for students – supporting ET2020 targets

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