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Culture heritage preservation and promotion in Rēzekne and Braslav regions (History Footprint)
Start date: Feb 29, 2012, End date: Aug 30, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The threat of losing the accumulated cultural and historical heritage in Rēzekne and Braslav border regions eventuates from insufficient financial support for its preservation and promotion, low level of interest among the population to cultural processes and outdated infrastructure of cultural objects. The joint efforts of the project partners will create a new impulse for culture and tourism attractions of the target cross-border region. The overall objective of the project is preservation and popularisation of cultural and historical handicraft heritage through positioning of the project area as an attractive place for significant regional culture events. Expected Results: The partners will contribute to preservation and promotion of handicraft and folk art cultural heritage through knowledge based experience exchange in the course of a joint handicraft and folklore research, transfer of experience to the younger generation during pottery and weaving master classes and a fine arts plain air, creation of favourable environment for international cultural cooperation at the joint traditional crafts and arts exhibitions, fairs and festivals in Braslav and Rēzekne. Improvement of cultural infrastructure objects (Rēzekne City Festival Park, Braslav Traditional Culture Museum, Braslav House of Culture) will encourage a wider involvement of public in cultural activities.

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  • 90.1%   1 223 887,52
  • 2007 - 2013 Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

2 Partners Participants