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Culture and History without Borders: Success in Diversity, Diversity in Success
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project Culture and History without Borders: Success in Diversity, Diversity in Success is a strategic partnership of three elementary and two high schools from Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Italy and Turkey. The partnership was formed as a result of a number of earlier projects, especially eTwinning, in which the partners got to cooperate on themes of culture and history. The project builds on the previous experiences and takes them one step further, adding the "success in diversity and diversity in success" dimension. The goals of the project are therefore aimed at greater historical and cultural awareness, improvement of language skills, establishing of personal friendships across Europe, improving of digital skills, sharing and improving of teaching methods and at keeping a focus on the connection to life outside the school – the community, entrepreneurship, employability and competitiveness. There will be120 active participants from among pupils aged 11 to 15. Also, there are 120 mobilities planned for pupils. There will be 20 teachers active in the project. A group of eight accompanying persons is always going to supervise each of the exchanges. Most of the project activities will take place locally via the so called cultural/historical workshops (each partner will organize 12 of them throughout the duration of the project) focusing on themes such as seasonal traditions, historical periods in our region, arts and handicrafts, cuisine and performing arts. To connect these activities with the theme of success in diversity and diversity in success we are going to include discussions, reflections, reviews and feedback sessions as part of all local activities. Internationally, we are going to meet five times at the exchanges with pupils where we will bring our work to the next level – face-to-face cooperation, co-creation and sharing. Each partner is going to host one exchange for 24 pupils from abroad accompanied by eight persons. After every exchange a conference call will summarize the experience. While the hands-on experiences are going to be the backbone of the project, their recording (audio, video, photos), reflections, subsequent discussions, feedback and documentation (articles) are the flesh of the project. We want the participants to assume a great deal of responsibility for their own learning process and for their personal project outcomes, especially in relation to the themes of diversity and success. That means that a lot of reflective, impact-related and feedback-oriented questions will be asked in connecting with each activity. The project outcomes are going to be gathered and edited in the form of a project chronicle/journal. We expect it to include thematic chapters such as international songbook, international cookbook, multilingual mini-dictionary, local stories, fairytales and legends, and a diary of activities. We believe that the project Culture and History without Borders: Success in Diversity, Diversity in Success is going to have a lasting impact on the individual participants (greater self-awareness, language skills, digital skills, local connection and labour market competitiveness), the schools involved (modern teaching methods, digital and language skills, international project teamwork experience), on the local community (greater international visibility, feedback from the visitors, pride of local pupils) and on our European societies (citizens who are more entrepreneurial, better prepared for their active participation in the labour market and more in touch with their local culture and history, while confident and joyful in relation to the rest of Europe).

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4 Partners Participants