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Cultural Political Economy of Europe 2020
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Jean Monnet Chair “Cultural Political Economy of Europe 2020” (CPE2020) will test innovative approach to improving implementation of the EU grand strategy, Europe 2020. The key to this improvement is the successful retention of critical semiotic dimensions of Europe 2020 and their subsequent reinforcement. In this process education can play the key role.To achieve this, CPE2020 will be based on i.) student-centered learning, shifting the focus from professor to the student, developing its autonomy, critical thinking and independence, ii.) elements of Open Innovation 2.0, an emerging paradigm where academia, policy-makers, industry and civil society co-create the future and drive structural changes and iii.) the Cultural Political Economy, analytical approach that explains the mechanisms behind successful adoption of visions and grand strategies, and provides the relevant tools. CPE2020 will engage a variety of target groups, i.e. students, professionals, regional and local policy-makers, industry representatives, and civil society. Teaching activities (three modules and three summer schools), events (three winter camp workshop, three conference special sessions, three joint field trips and nine round table discussions) and research activities (joint regional audit) are carefully interwoven to incorporate principles of integrated collaboration, co-created shared value and rapid adoption of strategic vision of successful, smart and inclusive growth, which is the core of Europe 2020, so it can become part of EU citizen's habitus, of organizational routines, and influential in shaping local, regional and national policy paradigms, strategies and policies.The expected impacts of CPE2020 are i.) to deepen teaching in European integration for students and professionals and ii.) encourage debate and reflection on European vision and strategies between academic institutions, policy-makers, industry representatives and civil society.

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