Cultural Organizations as Learning and Communicati..
Cultural Organizations as Learning and Communication Environments
In the knowledge based society cultural institutions have an important mission toachieve and their role as learning environments for both children and adults needs to beenhanced. Although the contemporary dynamics require from cultural institutions to actin a pro-active, flexible and innovative way, many of them have difficulties to adapt andfully accomplish their educative potential for the communities and populations theyserve. Constructed on rigid structures, following traditional methods and highlyhierarchical decision making process, cultural institutions need to undergo structuralchanges, based on modern management methods and organizational developmenttechniques. More importantly, it has to re-define relations with adult publics and to repositionas community learning centres.CONNECTION aims to strengthen the learning dimensions of cultural organizations(archives, libraries, museums, cultural centres) by adapting and developing specificadult education methods and providing techniques and instruments for organizationaldevelopment and management. The project has as objectives to develop the capacity ofthe cultural institutions from the partner countries to be active actors in the adulteducation field and to promote adult education methods and practices in the culturalsector, as ways of forging new relations with the community. The outputs comprise astudy on educational methods for adults to be used in cultural institutions, amethodology for organizational development processes specific for cultural institutions,a training curriculum on adult education methods for cultural workers, a trainingcurriculum on organizational development for cultural managers, ten training sessionsand seminars, a Grundtvig course and a web page.
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