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Cultural diversity: Practices of parental education
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CULTURAL DIVERSITY: PRACTICES OF PARENTAL EDUCATIONAll Europe is confrontated with the worldwide streams of refugees. In particular Turkey expieriences a big number of refugees who pass through to arrive Europe. Germany, Austria and Sweden take most of the European refugees for giving them asylum.There are also many families and children on flight. For many people flight means a new start into a new culture, with a new language in a new country in Europe. They have to think about their history, experiences and have to find new strategies for their lives in future.Migrants do not have the same possibilities like people originating from the European countries. They have to learn a lot of new things. Here the field of parental education has a completely new dimension and problematic situations to solve. There are needs of new ways of doing it on an European level. Familienakademie Mühlviertel from Austria, Studiefrämjandet Uppsala from Sweden, hvv Hessen from Germany and Bayrakli Halk Egitimi Merkezi from Turkey form a strategical partnership in order to solve the problems on a transnational level. Best practice examples "Alskäde barn Sweden", "TalentCAMPus Germany", "Junior-Kreativ-Werkstatt Austria" show the way of concepts and competences to reduce the gaps between migrants and the population of the European countries. By the help of the expieriences and competences of the partner organisations in adult and parental education best practice projects, methods and competences are exchanged, reflected and transferred into and within the other countries. The main objectives are the exchange and reflection of projects of best practice in doing parental education and basis information about the background of the crises for doing parental education. 3 transnational project meetings will take place with 6 persons of all partners and make use of modern project management. These persons prepare the process, the training activity, ensure and disseminate the results: The training activity C1: Parental education in time of flight and migration: basis and best practice are organised. All together there will be 20 persons of staff involved in the activity. The methods are orientated on practical work in parental education with the best practice, reflection, transfer. Background of flight streams and the actual situation give the necessary input for understanding and handling the situation. In this process the best practice projects of each organisation are adapted and are prepared for a transfer to the other countries. The results are described in a book of best practice which then goes online. Organisations, staff, stakeholders can use it for their daily work in the organisations. The results are disseminated with the online book of good practice, reports inside the organisations and to stakeholder. A competition at the end of the project will spread best practice and will show good ideas from each organisation. In order to guarantee sustainability new projects in Erasmus+ like Job shadowings, youth meetings are set up.
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3 Partners Participants