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Cultural and Media cross-border co-operation of the land between Mura and Raba River Kulturno in medijsko sodelovanje obmejnega prostora med Rabo in Muro / Kulturális és médiumok közötti együttműködés a Rába és a Mura közötti határterületen (MURA-RABA – TV)
Start date: Mar 31, 2009, End date: Mar 30, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project will have a positive influence to the inhabitants of the involved regions, since it will contribute to better knowledge about life-style and habits in the involved regions. The proposed project has a special value particularly for Slovene minority in Porabje, who will strengthen their cultural identity in joint cross-border region. Expected Results: Direct TV network connection between Monošter and Murska Sobota will be in the operation, studio equipped, broadcasts exchanged, broadband connection to households of Slovenian minority in Porabje (Gornji Senik, Dolnji Senik, Sakalovci) established, execution of training for the staff, TV studio of Slovene minority in Monošter established, study about importance of cross-border participation of the regional media prepared, two media camps executed, website, leaflet (bilingual), press conferences, articles in the newspaper Porabje (and others) published
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  • 58.2%   646 507,75
  • 2007 - 2013 Slovenia - Hungary (SI - HU)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

3 Partners Participants