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Cultexchange - Reassessment of the catacombs as common symbol for the exploitation of the cross-border tradition (Cultexchange)
Start date: Dec 31, 2005, End date: Jun 29, 2009 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context:The Mediterranean basin is known for the richness of its cultural heritage and the history that it has, which is not always fully appreciated. The opportunity that the project wants to highlight is that of offering a likewise occasion of re-discovering the value of such heritage through the exchange of experiences between two archaeological sites that are decaying, Tà Bistra and Malta and the Trabacche Catacombs in Sicily. Objectives:The principal aims of the project are:. To furnish an up-to-date description of the archaeological sites involved;. To perform interventions of restoration of the sites for the visitors’ accessibility;. To promote cultural tourism in the Town Halls of Mosta and Ragusa. Expected Results: • Elaborazione di un quadro completo degli scenari dei siti archeologici e degli interventi da operare;• Recupero, valorizzazione e messa in sicurezza dell’accessibilità del sito archeologico di Tà Bistra;• Restauro della Catacomba delle Trabacche a Ragusa;• Formazione di personale tecnico-scientifico specializzato in recupero, restauro e valorizzazione;• Scambio di conoscenze tra i ricercatori maltesi e ragusani;• Promozione di un sito mediterraneo della cultura nell’ambito di un’area culturale omogenea con il partner maltese;• Diffusione dei risultati della ricerca in ambito Euro-mediterraneo.
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  • 75.1%   410 593,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Italy - Malta (IT-MT)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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2 Partners Participants