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Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This Erasmus + project called "CAREGIVERS FOR THE WORLD II" has been presented from the IES " Maestro Juan Calero " Monesterio (Badajoz ) for students and teachers Cycle Intermediate Care for Dependent Persons . It is born of the need to open new business horizons for our students and to update and renew teacher training. One objective to achieve is that students have greater job opportunities and they learn to care for themselves in the work, family and social environment and they can know new labor markets. This project also aims to add value to Cycle Intermediate Care for Dependent People of this institute. In total it is predicted that about 10 students along two courses 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 to end their training cycle in Portugal. Portugal was chosen as a destination because of its proximity in language, customs and distance and in particular its capital for their communications and greater job opportunities. Businesses and institutions involved are: The IES " Maestro Juan Calero " Monesterio shipping partner. The Institution of Sociedade Espanhola Beneficência as host partner will be responsible to finish the training of our students through work experience. Students will be selected according to the following criteria: be enrolled in Cycle intermediate level of care for people in a situation of dependency or geriatric care, interest shown , qualifications , attendance, attendance to the course of Portuguese , make a letter presentation and Europass CV , favorable report of the Department of Socio-Cultural and Community Services IES " Maestro Juan Calero ". Two periods of mobility will be performed, one of them from March to June 2016 and another from March to May 2017 to be attended by 5 students in each period. Participants previously will be prepared by a course about Portugal (language and customs) and occupational hazards, delivering a dossier with information of interest and how finding rental housing or hotel. The trip will be made by taxi, by bus or private car and it will made an extra insurance to be covered for any incident. Monitoring shall be carried helping them in all necessary before the trip (course, finding housing, insurance, etc ..), accompanying them on the journey to and first few days, and at least one more visit, direct communication through ICT (wasap, phone, skype, e-mail), tele-mentoring every 15 days, phone calls and e-mail to the responsible of the host company, etc ... At the conclusion of mobility and during, students will must submit: A journal tracking, a photographic diary and a final report, as well as upload photos and information to social networks profiles created. To evaluate the outcome of the project, participants (companies, students and teachers) will perform surveys. The media and social networks within reach for dissemination of the project will be used: radio, newspapers and websites. Leaflets, posters and presentations will also be conducted and a blog will be created and "Cargivers for the world II" and a profile on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. The expected impact and therefore the benefits of participating in the short, medium and long term will be: -For students and teachers: enrich their curriculum, it will make them grow personally and professionally, will enrich their training, refine the use of Portuguese and observe other ways of working. -For the host institution: it will be strengthened as a collaborating institution in such projects and enrich their users to share anecdotes with students. -For the IES Maestro Juan Calero: get one of its key objectives is to form the best possible students and will continue exporting knowledge. -The Impact and benefit to local, regional, national and international level will be to give to know some of the training and employment opportunities that are available in the vicinity of vocational training for those wishing to use them and whom use them. And contribute to reduce youth unemployment as far as possible. Ultimately, this project aims to continue forming new European citizens whom are able to learn and take everything they need to join a European labor market, to make more fluid transnational relations the educational world and workplace.
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