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CTIMobility (Colegiul Tehnic "Ion Mincu" Mobility)
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Sep 1, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Continuous training of the teaching staff in specific areas has become a priority in our school. In this context, our project had the following objectives: - increase the opportunities of European mobilities, with an educational aim, of the teachers in Technical College”Ion Mincu”Focsani; - foster the quality, the excellence, the innovation and internationalization in our institution by enhancing transnational cooperation between Technical College „Ion Mincu” and our partner organization; - promote an European lifelong learning environment that completes the educational reforms and supports the modernization of the Romanian education system, through cooperation in the EU and through the dissemination of good practices; - strengthen the internal dimension of continuous training; - improve the linguistic skills and ICT skills; - use innovative approaches in teaching. Our partner in this work was ITC International, an organization established by the Czech Ministry of Education, that provides accredited training courses. Our partner institution has 6 years of experience as a provider of courses Comenius/Grundtving/Erasmus and it’s appreciated for the quality of organizing and carrying on the activities at international level. The activities of the project CTIMobility were: - the selection of the teaching staff for participating in the activities of continuous training. - their training for implication in the mobility activities at international level; - participation in the activities of training coordinated by the partner of the project, ITC International, namely: Using E-learning in the classroom, Innovative approaches to teaching, ITC in education, Early school leaving; - disseminating the results of participation in the activities of continuos training (both at institutional level and outside the organization); - the implementation in the didactic activities of the training contents; - monitoring the participants’degree of satisfaction in the classes after the training activity; - return to the SWOT analysis of our school organization and the School Education Action Plan (PAS) according to the competences acquired by the teaching staff who took part in the mobility activities; - preparing and submitting the final report of the project. The results of the project CTIMobility were the following: -12 certificates of participation awarded due to the implication of the teaching staff in the mobility activities; -12 individual activity reports and 12 individual dissemination plans of the training contents and of intercultural activities; -1 report of the mobility project at institutional level; - 9 dissemination activities of the results of mobility project at institutional level; - 500 teachers from the county were informed about the objectives, the activities and the results of the mobility project; -100 principals from the county were informed about the objectives, the activities and the results of the mobility project; - 4 demonstrative activities in the classroom which certify the implementation of the training contents in the didactic activity. The dissemination of the project was achieved through the following activities: - publishing 3 articles about the project in local media; - organizing a press conference which aimed at disseminating the activities and the results of the project; - promoting the activities of the project among the teachers involved in the annual conference at county level. - publishing 3 articles about the activities of the project in our school magazine”Orizonturi”; - teaching 3 demonstration lessons during the pedagogical meeting at county level at the following school subjects: English and technology disciplines; - creating and distributing 500 leaflets in order to promote the competences acquired by the teachers from Technical College”Ion Mincu”, among the 8th grade students from the schools in our county.This activity was accomplished while promoting our college school offer. - the implementation of the competences acquired by the teachers in educational activities, achieved in collaboration with the County Organization for Sports and Youth Vrancea, during the educational project for young people ’’Public educational class”.The topic addressed was”Interculturality, tolerance and the equality of chances” (160 participants from 4 high schools in Vrancea); -two information boards which promote the Erasmus + programme and the activities of the project CTIMobility; -two roll ups have been created in order to promote the Erasmus + programme and the activities of the project, one displayed at County School Board Vrancea and one in the beneficiary institution. - there was organized a seminar for presenting the opportunities of institutional development through continuous training at European level inside the programme Erasmus+ where teachers, students and NGO

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