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Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our institution it's in a suburb of a big city, Barcelona, where the unemployment is specially high and socio-economic situation, which was already bad prior to the crisis, is now even worse. All this mixed with the high immigration ratio in the area makes these neighborhoods vulnerable to social exclusion, low opportunities, high unemployment of young people, racism and marginalization. In 2 years we want to carry 15 mobilities: Participants: 10+5 Profile of participants: 10 pupils of (3 to Germany, 4 to the UK, 1 to Italy, 2 Turkey) From IT or Accounting and management 5 teachers (2 to Germany, 1 to Italy, 2 to Turkey) From IT or Accounting and management Students profile: Well prepared and skillful students from a low income area, with low opportunities that they would like to improve their technical skills, their language skills, social and intercultural abilities. Teachers profiles: Well prepared teachers with high technical skills, with language abilities, with some international experience that they want to improve their foreign language performance in the class, Erasmus+ management, learn more about how to treat disadvantaged students, drop-out problems, intercultural education and about the dual system. 9 mobilities of the students in order to: a) Improve their technical skills. b) Improve their job perspective and future. c) Improve their language skills. d) Gain self-confidence to travel and move. e) Widen their future opportunities, make easier for them to obtain a job or to keep studying. f) Decrease school failure and absenteeism. g) Awake human awareness giving them tools for opening their minds. h) Decrease criminality and violence against minorities and inmigrants and raise comprehension and tolerance. 5 mobilities of teachers in order to: a) Get to know our new partners, meet with them in more comfortable way to plan the activities of our pupils, have a looks to the companies, traineeships, tutors... Compare curriculum in order to establish ECVET. b) Visit the institution of our partners, installations, surroundings, carry a job/shadowing, cooperate exchanging good practices, and techniques. c) Improve the language skills of the teachers. d) Gadder information about the dual system and observe the results of it in order to evaluate the possible implantation in our institution. (Munich only) e) Observe the implantation of Erasmus international exchanges. Problems in the past, organization, structure. (Munich only) f) Share practices and strategies on how the institution deals with absenteeism and school drop-out. To accomplish all this targets we have a well prepared team with a diversity of skills and experience and all of them coordinated by Roger Borrell, the Erasmus Coordinator, observed by the Quality Coordinator, Juan Anton Perez, and well supported by the Executive Staff. The overall target is to turn upside down the fragile situation we have now in the area. Internationalize the institution, improve the overall education and give more opportunities to our pupils.
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4 Partners Participants