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Crossing the Bosporus
Start date: Jun 25, 2016, End date: Jan 24, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context:Young people form Topoloveni and Ulubey do not have access to hands-on experiences in inter-cultural settings. Moreover, both places being highly mono-cultural environments, the young people present little tolerance and inter social competences in relating with people from different cultures from their own. Because of the relative isolation of the two areas, the access to information on Erasmus+ and other transnational programmes is scarce. Cumulated is also the low level of competences in foreign languages, most young people from this areas being able to communicate only in their mother tongue.Goal :Developing competences, abilities and knowledge in the field of intercultural understanding for 48 young people facing fewer opportunities (economic, geographical and social obstacles) and 6 group leaders by organizing a bilateral youth exchange between 2 and 11 September 2016 in Navodari, Romania.Objectives:O1. Developing practical knowledge, competences and abilities of 48 youths aged 18-21on what is intercultural understanding and the role of tolerance and judgment free relations in intercultural dialogue; O2. Increasing the capacity of communication in English and adaptability to intercultural environments of the 48 young participants from Romania and Turkey; O3. Raise awareness about the intercultural character of the contemporary world and temper down the excesses of “cultural and national superiority” among the 48 participants. Each partner will select 24 young participants aged 18-21 that face fewer opportunities (economic, geographical and social obstacles) from rural and small urban areas. Most of our participants will be high school students in the high schools from Topoloveni and Ulubey.Working methods:All the working methods are nonformal ones. The youth exchage is divided is several phases that succed in a logical and chronological order:I. Days 2 to 3: get to know activities, group building activities (in this part we use integrative participatory methods to facilitate the interaction among participants and to create a safe and friendly climate for working together)II. Days 3-6: approaching the topic of intercultural understanding by group activities, group projects, structured dialogues, individual and paired reflection sessions, etc.III. Days 7-8: reaching the community and understanding intercultural dialogue empirically. We take the participants to a field trip in one of the most intercultural city in Romania, Constanta. Here they work in groups and they explore the various cultures in the city by direct interaction. They document their work make presentations continued by debriefing on each group.IV. Day 8-9: focuses on introducing the participants to the possibilities of E+ as well as empowers them to create their Europass CV. The methods used are integrative and all the participants obtain their Europass CV.V. Day 10: nonformal methods aimed to integrate all the participants in the DEOR process by empowering them and involving in the creation of the DEOR materials. For the digital aspects of the DEOR materials we will include in our YE 16 participants (8 form RO and 8 form TR) studying informatics in their high schools and can help to coordinate the others in the digital work. Two of the group leaders will have previous experience in drafting digital DEOR material.Results and Impact:The participants will develop through our project trans-disciplinary competences, aptitudes and attitudes. The participants will take an active part in discovering intercultural understanding. For all of them this would be the first encounter with the nonformal learning methods. The participants will develop the capacity to identify intercultural problems and to find solutions in a structured, coherent way.Our participants will engage in follow-up activities aimed to protect the topic of intercultural understanding in their local communities. Moreover, as a result of the promotion of E+ during the project, the participants become aware of how could they and other peers benefit from other opportunities of the E+. Our project encourages a positive attitude of the participants towards society. We encourage our participants to engage and contribute to the creation of other E+ projects, on the medium term.Our participants will facilitate the increase of cultural understanding and intercultural tolerance in their local communities, and will contribute to a Europe united in diversity. It is important to tale into consideration their impact on their current and future organisations with regards to the importance of promoting the intercultural dialogue. Our participants will contribute on the accomplishment of E+ objectives.

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1 Partners Participants